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Everything posted by JGMcD2

  1. I believe Josh was the best man in his wedding... may be wrong. I believe he was at least in the wedding party. I love to hear things like this.. it backs up everything I’ve heard about Josh from people who have had first hand experience with him. Kid definitely has a mean streak though... from being so competitive. Part of me didn’t love spinning the ball in the Chargers DBs face or throwing the ball at Okafor’s head... but at the same time I absolutely love it. He’s got a fire to him... I loved that about Fitzpatrick... like when Brandon Spikes launches himself at his head and Fitzy’s helmet came off and Fitz went RIGHT after him with no helmet... there’s a great photo somewhere...
  2. Lol... what did I say... no matter what you’re shown... you’re going to say you’re right. My methodology was not highly flawed... it’s definitely not perfect and it doesn’t have the same capabilities a model like PFF just created has...I made that very clear the minute I posted my initial analysis. Oddly enough it’s similar to an analysis PFF did last year that I just found linked at the top of the new article.. It was an attempt from someone to quantify something, rather than just behave off their biases. I know that’s a foreign concept to you. One guy decided to argue with me saying that surplus value isn’t a real thing... although oddly enough PFF mentions it routinely in that article. So if that’s you’re barometer for things being “highly flawed” sure. I know surplus value is a foreign concept to many, but folks that work in pro sports know all about it. You just proved to me that you have zero desire to actually learn something new, you’d rather just say you’re right... because nowhere in PFF’s methodology did they mention anything about using playing time or salary in their model. Absolutely nowhere was playing time or salary factored in. Funny enough playing time and salary wasn’t factored into my model either... Let me continue to hold your hand and show you what PFF said... hits on high draft picks are valued higher and hits on more valuable positions are valued higher... A 90th-percentile hit in the top 10 is obviously much more impactful for a franchise than a 90th-percentile hit in the seventh round, as the former would generate almost 2 WAR over four years, while the latter separates from his peers by simply making the roster and generating roughly 0.2 WAR over four years. This sounds intuitive, and it’s supported by hard data: When correlating the average percentile of a team's top-100 draft picks over the last four years to point differential in a season, the result is much larger than when we do the same with draft picks beyond the top 100. The New Orleans Saints turn out to be the top team in terms of draft consistency, mostly because their busts came in later rounds — almost entirely inconsequential for a franchise. This explains why the Saints won the NFC South four times straight after going 7-9 three years straight before 2017. As I have already mentioned, we described draft success as teams might think about it. When a guard at No. 6 becomes a three-time All-Pro player after three years, it’s as good a pick as one could imagine. However, since offensive guards have relatively low value compared to other positions, Nelson lands in “only” the 93rd percentile when compared to the full distribution of all players selected in his range. Of course, this is still exceptional, but it’s a small difference and illustrates that the absolute ceiling for a top-10 guard seems to be the 93rd percentile. After all, it's hard to imagine a better guard than Quenton Nelson. When we measure draft success by comparing each draft pick (non-quarterbacks) to the distribution of outcomes of all players drafted in the same range, we reward the selection of valuable positions. When doing this, we get a pretty good impression of why the Buccaneers won the Super Bowl. If you’re gonna sit here and call me out... get your facts straight. You’re the type of guy that reads a headline and pretends he knows the whole story. Although I don’t even know if that’s true because you couldn’t read the title on a graph.
  3. It’s not my fault you don’t understand... and I’m not about to explain it all over again here when it’s already been done in another thread... that’s why the thread was included. You can either read my methodology in the other thread and that will explain what those numbers mean... or you can read the title on the damn graph in the Tweet and that will explain what those numbers mean. Something tells me that regardless of what any data tells you, you’re just the type to think you’re always right. Do you really need me to hold your hand? EDIT: I’ll regretfully hold your hand and attach the article explaining the tweet too... I did this really difficult thing where I googled the title of the graph and the first result was the article. https://www.pff.com/news/nfl-historical-draft-success-for-all-32-nfl-teams
  4. Colts Twitter put this up today. Curious to see how it aligns with my analysis that I did a few months back. To the naked eye, it looks like most teams remain in the same bin in this analysis that they did in my analysis.... for all of the Beane is a bad drafter folks and the “you’re an idiot your numbers don’t make sense” folks. Link to my follow up analysis...
  5. I mean I don’t disagree they’ve overpaid based on their production and yes it is kind of annoying with all the former Panthers... but the supply is limited... if you want to get players at certain positions... you’re likely going to have to overpay. We did just go to the AFCCG using that approach... obviously whatever they’re doing is working. I’m not attributing their success to former panthers at all lol...
  6. I’m a really dumb person, especially when it comes to sports... but don’t most free agents get overpaid? You’re also assuming, in a free market where supply is limited and demand is high that other teams aren’t making comparable offers.... You’re behaving as if the Bills are the only team pursuing players and just making offers completely out of left field. Out of the DE, LB, DT and CB available last off-season... let me know which ones you would’ve gone after in a limited market and done better contract wise with? Seriously curious...
  7. Great read as always!! Definitely an extreme result at the end... but that’s not a bad thing. This portion I quoted above is going to ruffle a lot of feathers. So many posters are convinced he’s a horrible bust. Nice to see someone who has actually spent the time to watch him realizes he’s a pretty effective player.
  8. Josh Allen would absolutely eat if this came to fruition. The man loves 4th and 15+. Sometimes I think it’s easier for him to convert than 4th and 1.
  9. I’ve been saying Wilson is the QB1 in this draft for awhile... not that it matters at all what I think lol. A lot of reports coming out that some teams have Wilson as QB1 in the draft as well. It’s no knock on Lawrence, Wilson is just THAT good. Point being... it’s not very extreme.
  10. More than fair in Houston... but wouldn't that be a plus for Shanahan in regards to Slaton? I wasn't mocking it... he just wasn't a household name and not someone I think about when I think of potent. He was a rookie in '08 when Shanahan took over and he got that type of production from him in what ended up being his best season. It's not like he was out there with household ready made superstars... he was 28 with a pretty solid QB in Schuab, a great WR in Johnson and a rookie RB. When Schaub played they were significantly more productive, but he was injured and Sage Rosenfels had to play 5 games. They were #17 in scoring, 4th in passing and 13th in rushing... the year before they were 12th in scoring, 11th in passing and 22nd in rushing. He did a fairly decent job that first year and then the next year without Slaton improved their scoring and passing production while taking a big dip in rushing (I would say because he had a revolving door of RB until Foster broke out). I definitely agree that he and his Dad deserve blame and probably deserve to be fired for their handling of RG3, but this is a really good example of him being in WSH and building up the offense like you stated you wanted to see him do. He took over that personnel group and improve it from Y1 to Y3 and it fell apart when RG3 fell apart and that's their fault, but he's still sitting there younger than 35 with all of this experience, and some pretty significant success coordinating and improving in Houston and then building things up in WSH. While they did ruin RG3, part of the reason that they got fired was because they wanted to move forward with Kirk Cousins as the guy and it's well documented that they didn't even really want RG3 in the first place, but they managed to build an offense around him and have some really good results that first year. “”[Redskins owner Dan Snyder] knew I wasn’t very happy about what we did, but he wanted everybody to celebrate how smart we were, so we jumped on his plane and met the other owners on his yacht,” Shanahan said. “Everyone was celebrating. I just didn’t think it was very smart to give up that much for a guy who we didn’t even know if he could drop back and throw. “When I finally sat down with Dan, I said, ‘Hey, you own the team. We can work with him and do some things. But we haven’t seen anything on tape that warrants giving [up] this type of compensation.’ To me, it was absolutely crazy. But I told Dan that if that’s what he wanted to do, I’d make it work.”” Definitely have to take that statement from Mike Shanahan with a grain of salt, but Dan Snyder is easily the worst owner in sports and many coaches have cited issues like this in the past. Not to mention the toxic culture there. Yeah they got fired, but in my opinion it was more because Snyder was upset RG3 fell apart and wanted coaches who would agree to continue to work with him because of the resources invested in him. Mike and Kyle get blame there obviously, but they also have to get credit for getting the most out of RG3 by designing an offense to put him in a position to succeed. I think it's premature to anoint Flores as a top 10 head coach, or even above Shanahan. I actually personally really like Flores a lot, but he has more questions surrounding him in my opinion. He was a defensive play caller for 1 season after spending a decade with various personnel groups such as ST, in the secondary and with the LBs. His decision making has been subpar on several occasions as the head coach in MIA... he's absolutely a great motivator of men... but then again where was that week 17 this year against the Bills? Their whole season on the line, playoffs right there for them... all they have to do is win and they're in. They got beat by the Bills first stringers in the first half but continue to get smacked around by their backups in the second half. The team just completely folded in the biggest moment. That was Brian Flores' Super Bowl to date and he absolutely choked. You can get on Shanahan for choking with ATL and SF in the Super Bowl, but at least he has shown capable of making the decisions to get to that point. Flores choked in his biggest game yet and it was just to get into the playoffs. He also completely botched his QB situation with Fitzpatrick and Tua in 2020. That first year the roster was definitely really very poor and he did a great job getting to 5-11 but this year they poured a ton of money into their team and midway through the season people were saying they were AFCE favorites and going to knock the Bills off... they had plenty of talent and resources invested into their team and I'd argue Flores potentially held them back from take a bigger leap forward this year by flip flopping between Tua and Fitz... and he still had a crack at getting things right and the team straight up just folded despite him being a great motivator of men, which truthfully is his only calling card at this point... he doesn't have anything else to really fall back on. Never been a HC, only called defensive plays for 1 season... I guess maybe the fact he comes from NE.... but that coaching true is full of horrible failure so I wouldn't want to rely on that (I will say he's definitely different than the other guys who have come from NE, he's on record saying he needs to care about his guys and has to be himself and not a Belichick clone... which is really great self awareness). You're excited about Flores taking a severely undermanned team to a 5-11 record in 2019... I think that's great too... but where's the love for Shanahan taking a team where he had nearly $80M in cap space on the IR to a 6-10 record, starting 3 different QBs, missing his top offense weapons at various points during the season, major pieces on his D-LINE (combined 7 games played from Bosa, Ansah, Ford and Thomas) hurt for pretty much the entire season and having to move and play home games at a different stadium in a different state because of COVID.... which required tremendous leadership ability. The only argument for saying Flores is a better head coach is that he's gotten good results from a bad roster... Shanahan just went out and had a roster arguably as undermanned as Flores had in 2019, paired with even more difficult circumstances and he managed to go 6-10.
  11. I should preface all of this by saying... I’m enjoying the discussion too. It’s all very thoughtful and I am rethinking some things here. Shanahan was the OC in Houston for two years... not one. First year was a split between Schuab and Rosenfels at QB, next year he had a full season of Schuab. Left Houston to go coach with his Dad in Washington... lateral move... He was the OC in WSH for 4 seasons and not 3 seasons like you said... then was fired and immediately hired to be the OC in Cleveland which only lasted 1 season because he resigned after they were trying to force him to start Manziel.... that’s when he went to ATL... left ATL to become the HC in SF. Also, out of curiosity let me know who was on these potent offenses in HOU. His lead back was Steve Slaton and his #2 WR behind Andre Johnson was Kevin Walter. Washington he’s out there with Ryan Torain, Roy Helu, Santana Moss and Jabar Gaffney I’m not really sure what “building the offense“ has to do with anything. I don’t know many, if any OC that are given the responsibility of building an offense? I mean sure, they have input in the process but don’t have final say. Did Brian Daboll build the offense in Buffalo? He didn’t trade for Diggs, Draft Josh Allen or sign Beasley and Brown? Does he not get credit for having success with the pieces he has? Building a team belongs to the GM and HC. He can’t be penalized for working with what he had... he coordinated top offenses with the talent given to him in HOU, WSH, ATL and SF (where he finally had a stronger say in things and after building up his offense and coordinated another top 5 offense). I don’t think he’s being given the responsibility at 28 years old, of being a HC unless he’s capable of leading and seen as a rising coaching talent. He had been in HOU for 2 seasons prior and teams were looking to poach him to be OC... that’s why Kubiak promoted him. You’re quick to dismiss him in the instances he has talent and then quick to judge him in the instances it’s clear he’s severely lacking talent. You’re quick to give so much credit to Gary Kubiak and Mike Shanahan for Kyle’s success... but when it comes to placing blame for the Falcons collapse it’s on the OC Kyle Shanahan and not the HC Dan Quinn? That’s kind of confusing to me? When it’s convenient to reward the HC, Shanahan doesn’t get any credit. When it’s convenient to blame Shanahan, the HC Dan Quinn doesn’t factor into the equation. Isn’t Pete Carroll the same guy who was surprised that the Bills threw the ball so much against them and prepared for their run game? Carroll decided to throw the ball rather than use Beast Mode at the goal line the Super Bowl... that’s a pretty egregious error. Didn’t Flores’ team crap the bed in the biggest game he’s coached to date and half it was against backups? LaFluer has collapsed twice in back to back years in the NFCCG? Andy Reid has a reputation as a notorious choker, just did it again this year. Why do they all get a pass... two of them haven’t even proven capable of making a Super Bowl... one even capable of making the playoffs. The other two didn’t win their first Super Bowl until they were 60+ years old and choked in all of their other opportunities prior? I agree that being a good OC doesn’t mean you’re a good HC. I think that’s extremely true and often overlooked... but a bunch of those coaches you listed have made plenty of egregious errors themselves that are more inflammatory than Shanahan not running the ball enough up 28-3 with 20 minutes left in the game... And just for the sake of the exercise I would rank them like this personally... Belichick Reid Harbaugh McDermott Reich Payton Tomlin Shanahan McVay Carroll Arians LaFleur Vrabel Flores
  12. Kyle has shown that’s he’s more than competent when it comes to designing offenses and one could argue he was at the forefront of building an offense around a running QB, at least this iteration of it. He’s far from perfect but his track record and success to this point is far superior to Kingsbury and honestly most other NFL coaches. I can’t think of more than 6-7 guys I’d take over Shanahan... Youngest OC in the NFL when he was hired by Houston, top 10 offense in HOH, top 5 offense in WSH, top 5 offense in ATL, top 5 offense in SF. He’s shown he can do it in a variety of places with QBs like Matt Schuab, RG3, Matt Ryan and Jimmy G. He’s also designed offenses to make severely limited QB like Sage Rosenfels, Donovan McNabb, CJ Beathard, Nick Mullens and Red Grossman look competent and win football games. I understand there is some apprehension surrounding the Super Bowl against New England... but he also built a 28-3 lead halfway through the 3rdQ. I think you’re putting a lot of blame on a guy when the defense just completely and utterly collapsed as well. Obviously he didn’t help, but he wasn’t taking sacks and holding penalties on drives where they started off by ripping off 8-9 yard gains on the first play and then stalled out after penalties or lack of execution. I’d be more concerned about the fact that after they went up 28-3 New England ripped off drives of 13, 12, 10 and 9 plays. It’s a lot like the Bills game this year when they almost lost to LA up 28-3. Brian Daboll absolutely deserves flack for not being able to continue to move the ball in the 2nd half... but his side of the ball didn’t blow a 28-3 lead. McDermott and Frazier are far more responsible for how that game transpired in the 2nd half than Brian Daboll. Same goes for the Houston playoff game... and I’m very protective of McDermott, but I wouldn’t think to blame Brian Daboll for those collapses. I’m having a hard time as a GM refusing to hire a guy who’s had success coordinating offenses everywhere he’s gone, been around the game his entire life, learned first hand from one of the greatest coaches ever and has proven he can get to a Super Bowl, just because he was a piece in an epic collapse by an entire team. Basically it boils down to this for me... would you have been ok hiring Shanahan in the event he never made it to the Super Bowl with ATL and therefore was never part of the collapse against the Patriots? I feel like your opinion may completely change.
  13. That’s more than fair, it’s not just your hot take and you supported that. Which I absolutely appreciate and can not argue with. I would agree that both have things to improve upon, but it depends on what your definition of substantially better is, right? In my opinion going to two Super Bowls and running elite offenses in multiples seasons makes Shanahan a very good coach. Now the next step he needs to take is winning it all. He’s won a division, made the playoffs, won a conference championship game. Granted it took some time to get there. Kingsbury on the other hand hasn’t done any of that and we still don’t know if he’s even capable, right? He may absolutely have the capacity to do those things... but Shanahan has proven he actually can. Maybe the right term is ahead of Kingsbury, which we can both agree is probably a fair statement. Then it’s going to come down to personal feelings on their abilities. They’re the same age, and that doesn’t necessarily mean Kingsbury can’t grow exponentially... but Shanahan has experienced things that Kingsbury hasn’t even sniffed yet. The guy had 2 winning seasons at Texas Tech in 6 seasons and his biggest accomplishment to date is winning the Holiday Bowl in 2013. Mind you for most of him time at Texas Tech he had the greatest QB in the world and couldn’t muster a winning record.
  14. You’ve gotta get lucky and just have a mature kid too. Impossible to track everything... you end up having to rely on a 12-18 year old to make smart, mature decisions constantly. It’s almost impossible.
  15. Absolutely agree with you. I’m a little ways away from having kids... but when I do they’re not allowed anywhere near it.
  16. Beautifully said. Growing up my parents banned me from using Facebook or any other type of social media. I thought it was so unfair at the time because everyone else my age was involved with it and I felt like I was missing out. Now I understand why... my parents are absolute geniuses for keeping me away. I’m on zero social media platforms now. I tried it out for a bit in college and it made me miserable. It was so time consuming and superficial. It has some perks, but I’ve always felt that if someone wants to know how I’m doing they can pick up the damn phone and call me. That’s if they REALLY truly care how I am doing, otherwise liking my photo and pretending like they know how I am is a joke.
  17. I don’t disagree with your overall premise, but using the opinions of fans from other teams as evidence when it comes to the ability of a NFL HC is kind of odd... there can obviously be questions about his ability but just because he’s being questioned doesn’t make Kingsbury any better. Andy Reid was questioned his entire career because he was notorious for choking in the playoffs... does that bring him down and make him just as good as idk, just throwing out a name... Ken Whisenhunt? I mean we have people here saying to can McDermott and Beane. I have Pats fan friends who want Belichick gone... Steelers fans have been asking for Tomlin to be fired for a decade now. Individual fans are incredibly irrational... getting information from a poll of how the fan base feels the coach is doing would be a way better reflection on how he’s actually doing. That way you get rid of all of the noise. Shanahan is a better head coach than Kingsbury. The body of work isn’t even close, really. As for the teams, there’s a legitimate argument that AZ is better than SF. I’m partial to the better QB, so Kyler > Garoppolo. But I think San Francisco has more talent across the entire roster than Arizona does.
  18. I feel strongly that the Bills locker room culture is probably the strongest in the NFL. I think Cleveland is a crap show... I’ve heard that from people inside there... even under Stefanski. A lot of individuals. Green Bay has great history... they’re a well run franchise... that’s important for culture. Supporting cast I’d argue everyone is roughly equal at the moment. Watt would love playing with Garrett... but their defense needs a ton of work. I think we have the most pieces and our defense turned a corner in the 2nd half and really until the Chiefs game... honestly all that matters is that Watt is part of the solution to beating KC. I’m cool going like 11-5 or 10-6 this year because we drop games to teams that we don’t match up with, so long as our defense is designed to beat KC.
  19. Glad he’s getting closer to a decision. While I like Stefanski and the direction the Browns are going, I just think that’s the worst landing spot for Watt. I don’t think they’re ready to win a SB this year and 2022, maybe. They played such a weak schedule this year and were extremely inconsistent. A lot of individual players on that team and I can’t see Baker Mayfield out dueling Mahomes or Allen. His chances at a SB with Buffalo are better, but still severely limited with KC being the top dog. It would make more sense than Cleveland, but still probably not the best spot to win a SB. I think GB is the most logical choice for him, it’s just a matter of if they move things around with the cap. The NFC is a mess. GB has shown under LaFleur they’re going to be damn good in the regular season and they’ve been on the cusp of the SB two years in a row. Epic collapses, but it’s the easiest path IMO. Obviously he has other criteria... cap space, culture and supporting cast.
  20. You said... “How did he (Daboll) not see the gap prior to giving him (Peterman) the start?” I literally highlighted it and pointed it out and you’ve refused to acknowledge that’s what you said. Referring to the gap between Josh Allen and Nathan Peterman. The option was either start Josh Allen or Nathan Peterman.... there was no other QB. The implication you made was that Daboll didn’t do anything to avoid having Peterman start. AJ McCarron wasn’t an option even though you cherry picked some numbers to make it look like it - convenient you glossed over that fact this time around. Nathan Peterman failed because he sucks. He looked better under Daboll than he did the year prior in his first start against the Chargers (not saying much at all) but he still sucked. It was his second start not his first, you’ve refused to acknowledge that either. He looked just as putrid a year before... but it’s Daboll’s fault? The guy just absolutely sucks... Again, continuing to harp on Nathan Peterman as a way to say Daboll isn’t a good OC is silly. It would be great if you could just acknowledge that instead of trying to continue to prop up a poor argument. I’m confident we could find common ground on Daboll elsewhere, but this literally makes zero sense? Here you go... who was the other option to start? It was Josh Allen or Nathan Peterman... what was Brian Daboll’s decision supposed to be? Oh and this one too... who was starting over Peterman? The implication is because the talent gap is wide it should have been Allen over Peterman. The fact that there are 2 QBs on the roster at the time and it’s Peterman and Allen means that it’s Allen.
  21. Calm down? You told me I was “making things up” even though you clearly lied about what YOU said and have yet to admit you said it. It’s okay to be wrong, especially when it’s as blatant as it is right now... You’re talking about preseason performance? Nathan Peterman absolutely blew McCarron out of the water during the preseason. Here you are again being flat out wrong. Peterman started the 3rd preseason game... McCarron labored through the 4th. Week 1 vs Carolina Peterman: 9/10 for 118 yards 1 TD and 1 INT McCarron: 7/10 for 116 yards 0 TD and 0 INT Week 2 vs Cleveland Peterman: 8/10 for 113 yards 1 TD and 0 INT McCarron: 3/6 for 12 yards 0 TD and 0 INT Week 3 vs Cincinnati Peterman: 16/21 for 200 yards 2 TD and 0 INT McCarron: DID NOT PLAY Week 4 vs Chicago Peterman: DID NOT PLAY McCarron: 13/34 for 156 yards 3 TD and 2 INT TOTAL: 3 Games each Peterman: 33/41 80% COMP% 431 yards 4 TD and 1 INT McCarron: 23/50 46% COMP% 284 yards 3 TD and 2 INT You’re just so far out of your element. You’re so heavily entrenched in the first game Daboll had called for the Bills with Nathan Peterman that you’re not even recognizing the growth. I’m going to point something out to you about player development, it’s really a novel concept. It’s what Daboll did and whether you want to believe it worked or not fine, you’re clearly not able to comprehend how played development works... but here. Josh Allen was a raw player... Josh Allen needed to experience things against good competition. Brian Daboll had some training wheels on for Josh, but it was a pretty conscious effort (it’s been talked about) to just try and expose him to everything possible so he can learn. So yes, he ran his scheme... and Josh learned by doing that. Instead of running some gimmicky Greg Roman offense or Sean McVay offense to mask the deficiencies of his QB... he let him go out and get better. You don’t get better when you’re not allowed to work on your weaknesses in a high speed setting. Working on it in a game is the best environment to do it... I promise you... I literally do this for a living. You’re putting an inordinate amount of stock into the Ravens game 3 years ago with Nathan Peterman at QB. It’s really quite strange. The facts are... Josh Allen was NEVER EVER starting week 1 his rookie year. The organization was doing everything possible to make sure it didn’t happen. It wasn’t Daboll’s decision. Nathan Peterman FAR outperformed AJ McCarron in the preseason and earned the opportunity to start over McCarron... again because there was zero chance Josh was ever starting. Nathan Peterman failed miserably because he’s not good. It wasn’t his 1st NFL start like you stated... it was his 2nd... the first was the year prior with Rick Dennison and was just as bad. Peterman is just bad. He’s also NOT the backup QB in Las Vegas. He’s the 3rd string QB who spent 2019 on the PS and then was injured and spent this year behind Derek Carr and Marcus Mariota when all 3 were healthy. If it weren’t for Jon Gruden’s infatuation with him, he’d be coaching his local HS team. Stop with your weird Peterman thing as a way to say Daboll isn’t a good OC. It’s literally the single dumbest argument I’ve ever seen on this board. You can cite SO MANY other reasons that Daboll isn’t a good OC and I’ll probably agree in some fashion. Failures in CLE, MIA and KC... stubbornness, inability to run the football, ego... honestly anything is a fine argument but this just makes you looking incredibly, let me stress the word... INCREDIBLY dumb.
  22. I explained the chart to you. I want to make sure I’m getting it right then... you’re saying given that Josh Allen is able to hit his check down options more often... there is room for us to run more plays? I’m honestly kind of confused, partly by you and partly by myself. I don’t think running more plays fixes any gaps in our offense? Sorry for the confusion.
  23. You literally said it right here... WHY DIDN’T THE OC (DABOLL) SEE THIS (THE GAP) PREVIOUS TO THE TEAM GIVING HIM (PETERMAN) THE START? Don’t say absolutely idiotic things and then have no way to defend them. This is all based on the premise that the OC is the sole person deciding the starting QB AND completely neglecting the fact that Josh Allen wasn’t starting Week 1 regardless of if our QB was Nathan Peterman, Nate Robinson or a guy they grabbed working at a Nathan’s hot dog stand.
  24. This doesn’t even make any sense and using it as a way to knock Daboll is just absurd. It’s literally one of the biggest reaches I’ve ever seen on this board and that’s not an exaggeration. Everyone and their mother knew Josh Allen was better than Nathan Peterman. The Bills spent a 5th round pick on Peterman and a 1st round pick on Allen. You think Daboll sat there and said “Oh boy, let’s draft this Allen kid even though Peterman is better” and then watched them in camp and said “Yeah, he’s significantly better we can’t start Allen.” They made the call to start Peterman because they were going to try and let Josh sit an watch for as long as possible... it has nothing to do with saying Peterman was better than Josh. If you seriously think anyone in the building, especially Daboll thought Peterman was better it’s not even worth continuing. Literally the biggest, most nonsensical reach I’ve seen to date.
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