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Everything posted by JGMcD2

  1. Lol. You and I are both so spun around. I am confused because you’re not defining anything for me! Haha What do you considered numbers for a #1 WR? What do you consider numbers for a #2 WR? What do you consider numbers for a #3 WR? I personally think he’s a solid #2 and his numbers over the last 24 games suggest that to me by my definition of a #2... what I’m trying to understand is your definition of a #2... because you’re calling him a rotational #3 guy fighting for playing time... Once I understand those things I can dive deeper into how I feel... but we also might actually agree on some concepts here. Easier to find common ground on definitions and concepts prior to going further...
  2. Yes, fans generally react off of emotion. They base their perceptions of off very few and specific experiences with particular players (typically fantasy football or watching 1 of their nationally televised games) and formulate their opinion based off of that. Which results in typically have very little evidence to support their argument and their argument is slanted based off a limited view of that player... or they decide to use useless information to back up their argument that doesn’t even match the description they’re throwing out. The issue with your point is that your numbers don’t match your description and you’ve failed to define anything to give me something to go off of. The 50th percentile and up of 600-900 yards and 4-6 TDs are borderline WR1 and definite WR2 numbers... Guys like Beasley, Kupp, Woods, Boyd, Landry, Smith-Schuster put up numbers like that last year... so they’re rotational #3 WR?
  3. Well what do you consider WR #2 numbers? Because I think you’re off there too... you named yardage and in terms of yardage the past 3 seasons he’s been a low end #1 and high end #2. #27, #33, #50 and that includes RB and TE. I’m not telling fans to do anything... where did I say to get excited or not to get excited? That’s just making things up... scroll back and give me an example. Nobody is saying the Sanders is having his career year here this year? I sure didn’t say that... so what does it actually matter how old he is or if he’s in his prime right now? It doesn’t matter... we’re not expecting him to have career year or be our leading receiver... why would you give me leaders for that? If you have me performance against age for all WR or something like that... that makes a good argument. Showing me the top WR in the league and saying “See they’re young and putting up 1500 yards” is disingenuous... nobody is expecting Sanders to put up 1500 yards or saying he’s in his prime. It’s just useless information.
  4. I take back my comment then and I’m wrong. Last I had checked they were over the cap...
  5. The Eagles need to get under the cap by 4PM.... so they’d need to make a move on Ertz before then to provide themselves with cap relief. She’s saying 4PM isn’t the deadline for a move... that’s the hint. Which basically rules Ertz out unless Philly doesn’t want to cut him and they’re becoming cap compliant by moving on from other players.
  6. Yes, he’s aging. The rest is not correct. He didn’t play more than expected for New Orleans... they signed him to a 2/$24M deal. I don’t know many teams dropping $12M AAV on a guy they don’t expect to play that much? He may have played a different role then expected but the amount he played wasn’t anywhere near unexpected for his salary. This is the first 1 year deal that Sanders has signed... ever... he has not been bouncing around on 1 year deals up to this point. Also, why are you showing me league leading receivers? Sanders isn’t a #1 WR for us and never has been a #1 WR for anyone... that’s just a nonsensical illustration. You’re telling me that Emmanuel Sanders doesn’t move the needle as a #2/3 option because he’s getting older and older players aren’t leading receivers? It’s a good thing we’re not relying on him to be our leading receiver... I suppose we move on from Cole Beasley too because he’s going to be 32... forget that good season he had last year... he’s over 30... the likelihood that he leads the league in receiving is decreasing... we don’t want him!
  7. Old and slow... Stupid me and my eyes, TV and computer...
  8. I think it’s kind of ***** too... but at the same time I know for a fact reporters and people hiring reporters and media personalities require them to look a certain way... the industry itself is shallow... can’t blame the followers for... well doing just that... following the lead. Even though it’s wrong.
  9. Well would you look at that... another stat where Emmanuel Sanders is better than Curtis Samuel... Amazing what happens when you use your eyes, a TV and computer.
  10. Yeah we do all have eyes, a TV and a computer.. and you can scroll through this thread and look at all of the people who fail to use any of those tools and just throw out extraneous claims without anything to back them up. Just because you have these tools doesn’t mean you actually know how to use them and what you’re looking for... You obviously haven’t used your eyes, TV or computer to find out that Sanders is an outstanding route runner. Of course route running isn’t unique to WR... that’s just way off base with what I said initially. Running very good routes IS unique to certain WR. Is Diggs not a better route runner than other WR in football because all other WR run routes too? I’m not sure what you’re trying to say... other than poke a hole in something while simultaneously failing to understand what you’re poking a hole in. You’re entitled to your opinion that he doesn’t move the needle because of his age (seems to be your main point)... I’m not disputing that. Samuel as an option for us flew out the window after Daryl Williams was signed... so I don’t understand why people keep bringing him up like we chose Sanders over Samuel. Of course Curtis Samuel is a good player... I never said anything to the contrary... but because he’s younger (doesn’t actually matter... people just think it makes you better because they’re less familiar... perceived upside, etc.) many would be much more excited for him than they are Sanders because Samuel was a buzz name this off-season. Samuel is the new shiny toy and Sanders has been around awhile so he’s less exciting. It doesn’t make him any less valuable... he’s outperformed Samuel since Samuel entered the league. Does Samuel have more upside... yeah... we’re not going for upside it’s a 1 year deal.... we’re focused on production right now and nothing suggests that Samuel as the #2/3 option here is a better fit for us than Sanders... other than the fact he’s younger...
  11. Sanders is 1/6 with $6.5M upside through incentives Brown is 1/3.75 with $5.5M in upside through incentives The smaller # for is flat out guaranteed... they larger number is possible based on performance.
  12. Sanders isn’t a flashy name... that’s the whole issue with all of this. He’s always been super productive but never really THE guy in an offense... so he’s never been super hyped up. Fans are just going to react like fans when they don’t see a big name they PERCEIVE as a stud because they put up big fantasy numbers. Most couldn’t tell you about their route running ability, ability to play multiple positions, leadership qualities, separation on routes, etc BUT they can tell you they picked Emmanuel Sanders up week 13 last year and he didn’t have a great fantasy week so HE IS TRASH!
  13. I hate Beane. Fire him now. This off-season has been horrible and just cements that him winning Executive of the Year was a big time fluke. This regime is no better than previous regimes... they’re just INCREDIBLY lucky. ^^^ Something along these lines will likely be said
  14. Not a great look from the mask wearing perspective but I’m pretty sure the guy is very sick. Although, some on here think mental health is a joke... so that explains the reaction.
  15. I wonder if Brandon Beane ever sits back when reading posts on this message board and paraphrases Jack Nicholson from “A Few Good Men” ... You can’t handle the truth! Son we work live in a game world that has rules walls, and those rules walls have to be navigated guarded by men with vision guns. Whose gonna do it you? You numerous trollsLieutenant Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for John Brown Santiago and you curse Emmanuel Sanders the Marines. You have the luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know, that Brown’s Santiago’s release death while tragic, probably saved cap space lives; and my existence while grotesque, and incomprehensible, to you, wins games saves lives. You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about on TwoBillsDrive at parties, you want me in that front office on that well, you need me in that front office on that wall! We use words like love, process, growth mindset, honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent building defending something, you use them as a punchline. I have neither the time, nor the inclination to explain myself, to a man who cheers and roots rises and sleeps, under the banner blanket of the very team freedom that I build provide, and then questions the manner in which I build it provide them! I’d rather you just said ‘thank you’, and went on your way. Otherwise I suggest you submit a resume pick up a weapon, and get my coffee stand a post. Either way, I don’t give a damn, what you think you are entitled to!
  16. Yes, Fuller was suspended this year. I was talking about why he’s never played a full season once in his 4 year career and played only about 50% of possible games. You’re changing your argument and introducing things that I never said. I never said anything about Taysom Hill and never said anything about Teddy Bridgewater... so I’m not sure why I’d need to try again? Never mentioned either of them once. There are plenty of arguments to be made for liking the Sanders signing or disliking the Sanders signing... but I didn’t make any argument for liking it or disliking it. Not one single argument for either side. All I did was read your baseless claim... look up the information for Sanders, Fuller and Samuel and show you that your claim was in fact baseless. I myself did not make a claim, I fact checked your claim and showed you that your statement was wrong. You brought up major statistical categories and I showed you pretty important stats like yards, catches, touchdowns, YPC, and games played where Sanders was as good as or better than Samuel and Fuller in most of those categories since Samuel and Fuller came into the league. That was YOUR claim. I haven’t done anything other than provide evidence disproving your claim. There’s no record of me on this message board stating my feelings about the Sanders signing... the only thing I’ve produced related to Emmanuel Sanders is statistics to prove your claim regarding Fuller, Samuel and Sanders was a bold faced lie. EDIT: I will make a note that my ~50% number of possible games played was incorrect. I was going off of memory and thought it was 35/64 games but it’s actually 39/64 games which is 60% of possible games in 4 years.
  17. Odd that he said he was just made aware of the lawsuit via social media and hasn’t yet seen the claim... but also quickly rejected a baseless six-figure settlement demand when the suit was filed? Clean statement from Watson otherwise... but that seemed kind of odd to me...?
  18. Well statistically they have both out performed Sanders in virtually every way since they entered the league vs what he has done in the same time frame. - DCofNC So now I’m the irrational fan for comparing Samuel and Fuller to Sanders since 2017... because I followed YOUR logic to illustrate YOUR point? Genius... you said that Fuller and Samuel outperformed Sanders in every major statistical category since they entered the league... you were just flat out wrong. It was false... you said something and expected nobody to check you on publicly available information? He hasn’t put up jack in terms of YPC... it looks the same as Samuel? So Samuel is a speed guy who hasn’t put up jack in terms of YPC then too? Fuller our produced him in 11 games... why didn’t he play 5 more? Maybe because he’s an actual injury prone player (playing ~50% of possible games in 4 years)? Oh yeah... that’s it. Nobody said Sanders is a superstar... I sure didn’t... but neither are Fuller or Samuel... that’s the point. YOU made the claim that they outperformed him and failed to back it up. The burden of proof is on YOU... you failed to do prove that. It has nothing to do with being a homer, liking Beane, liking this signing and has everything to do with you making an irresponsible post and expecting people to just believe you. If you hate this board because you’re called out for ***** posts... sorry?? You’ve failed to contribute anything substantive in this thread... it doesn’t seem like you’re part of the solution in making this board better... so don’t gripe about anyone else other than yourself.
  19. Time period is 2017-2020 because Samuel came into the league in 2017... it looks even worse for you if I add 2016... Sanders 245/3018/16 12.3 Y/R and he played 55/65 possible games (played in 17 regular season games in 2019 according to PFR) Fuller 162/2475/22 15.2 Y/R and played in 39/64 games Samuel 185/2087/14 11.3 Y/R and played in 53/64 possible games I am double posting because I want everyone to see exactly what you said here @DCofNC
  20. Time period is 2017-2020 because Samuel came into the league in 2017... it looks even worse for you if I add 2016... Sanders 245/3018/16 12.3 Y/R and he played 55/65 possible games (played in 17 regular season games in 2019 according to PFR) Fuller 162/2475/22 15.2 Y/R and played in 39/64 games Samuel 185/2087/14 11.3 Y/R and played in 53/64 possible games @DCofNC
  21. I would agree with you on all of that. It will be a competitive division though... fun for everyone involved on the fan level.
  22. Yeah he’s done a good job cap wise now that more information is coming out. That defense will be tough as always... I personally don’t think they signed any legitimate difference makers or really have any on offense but I may be wrong. It does really come down to the QB... so until then it doesn’t matter much. I am sure they’re doing something else there.
  23. Do you really feel Jonnu Smith and Hunter Henry deserve to be the 3rd highest paid TEs in football? $12.5M is around what some of the top WR make...
  24. Yes, our culture is VERY poor! The Bills are VERY bad! Gronk chose the lowly Super Bowl Champion Buccaneers that he played with last year... who happen to have the only QB he’s ever played with over Buffalo. Our culture is VERY clearly the issue. Just because a team is “in on” a player doesn’t mean they made a serious offer. In this case they made Gronk a serious offer... we have no idea what the offer looked like for Watt (who straight up took money over playing for a contender) or anyone else.
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