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Everything posted by JGMcD2

  1. It’s not written this way in baseball contracts and I’d venture to guess it’s not written this way in football contracts. He’s not discussing X’s and O’s… I’m not allowed to discuss baseball related specifics per my contract… otherwise I can discuss anything else I want as long as I make a point that it’s my own view.
  2. Who said it’s an unnecessary distraction? The fans, the media? How do you know that Beasley isn’t speaking for a large portion of players who don’t want the vaccine or got the vaccine before they wanted to because they were fearful of losing their job? I’m around pro athletes… more feel like Beasley than I think people understand… but only very few will speak up for fear of losing their job. That’s an issue.
  3. Entirely different. Brown was posting a private team meeting on social media. Beasley is expressing his personal views on social media. Only consistencies are that they’re using social media and play WR in the NFL.
  4. Irrelevant to the question that was posed to me and has next to nothing to do with my response other than the fact that you regurgitated “Freedom of Speech.” Beasley expressing his opinions should not result in consequences… Beasley not following the rules should. Beasley expressing his opinions is not Beasley failing to follow the rules.
  5. Players talk about controversial subjects on social media all of the time… there’s a little thing called Freedom of Speech? Cole Beasley expressing his opinion on Twitter is no different than you or I doing the same thing. I didn’t realize that Freedom of Speech dissolved when you became a professional football player. I would say it would be pretty anti-McDermott to not allow his players to express their opinions… so yeah in a sense it’s exactly what’s been built here.
  6. Being in the locker room/front office it’s exactly as @Hapless Bills Fandescribed. Plenty of my co-workers and players have missed time, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, but there’s very little finger pointing. Everyone has a different viewpoint and that’s it… the various factions agree to disagree and carry on with life like adults should. It’s next man up to keep the ship running when someone pops positive or is a close contact and we’ve all taken pride in keeping things together.
  7. So to avoid POTENTIALLY losing them… you cut 2/3 and replace them with…?
  8. What a miserable take with no basis rooted anywhere. Personal choice and caring about each person’s beliefs individually is EXACTLY what he built here.
  9. McKenzie is unvaccinated too and has just as good of a chance at missing games as Beasley does. So yes, it wouldn’t be for Beasley’s personal beliefs, it would just be a bad decision lol
  10. A lot of really good leaders have their own way of saying it… but the first one that comes to mind is Jocko Willink… leaders need to be able to “detach and assess.” You’re spot on in your evaluation of what makes McDermott unique.
  11. Or you just don’t get how this works? You’re defeating the process if you cut players for their personal beliefs in a situation where the league has made it possible to have personal beliefs. That’s how you lose their respect and show them that you never actually cared about them in the first place… which is what everything in Buffalo is built upon.
  12. Lol sorry… not directed at you… bringing over frustration from an idiotic comment on another thread. Yes, it was sarcastic.
  13. What a horrible leader… everyone knows the best leaders let their emotions boil over publicly! Everyone knows bad leaders remain cool, calm and collected in the most difficult moments.
  14. You have absolutely zero idea what you’re talking about. This is easily one of the most nonsensical takes on this thread. Please go on and tell me about your leadership background in a team environment… that way I can understand what makes you an expert?
  15. You’re out of touch. Take it from someone who is in professional sports and dealing with the same things he’s dealing with every day.
  16. Horrible. HORRIBLE take. He has the respect of his players because he doesn’t handle situations publicly.
  17. Motor put in work in the off-season and looks much quicker than in the past. Josh spent the entire off-season addressing his weaknesses and by all accounts has improved them. They also have to figure out how to stop him at what he does best. Defense was actually very good the second half of the season… and finished as the 12th best defense in the league per DVOA, and by your logic, had a year to adjust to QBs and figure out their weaknesses.
  18. This still doesn’t fix the issue of being a close contact to someone who is in the building that tested positive. The way the protocols are set up players could be wearing full hazmat suits and you can put the team masseuse in a bubble like Seinfeld… if they’re positive and near players, those players have to sit out. It obviously eliminates the chance of actually spreading the virus… but it doesn’t prevent players from missing days if they were a close contact. I’ve had to do damage control with staffing issues because we’re following pretty much identical protocols to what you laid out… it really doesn’t make a difference for availability This doesn’t prevent losing unvaccinated players.
  19. How often does Sean McDermott drag his players in the media for anything? It’s not really his style.
  20. They're incredibly effective but not as effective as we thought they were... amazing how things change in just a few months. Correct... strongly encourage them but do not make them. It's a fact they negotiated for personal choice on COVID-19 protocols... that's how it is set up for players. Get over it.
  21. FDA approved as of yesterday... even if that's what they were waiting for and get the shot yesterday... it still wouldn't have solved this issue the team ran into today. I think the people yelling about how it's FDA approved are funny (you're not the only one who I've seen do it in this thread)... the FDA has approved 1 vaccine and they did that on Monday. It's not like it's been FDA approved for weeks, months or even days... it's been a day. It's like facts don't matter.
  22. This makes me want to lock myself up in my house again and do nothing.
  23. That’s not what I said… I said he could keep us on track during the regular season should Josh miss time. I do stand by the point that Trubisky is arguably the 2nd best QB in the division.
  24. Obviously don’t want to lose either.. but this is kind of broad. If they’re out for the year… sure it’s an enormous blow. If Josh misses 4-5 games (lord, I hope not) Mitch is more than capable of winning 3-4 games in his absence. There’s a legitimate case to be made that Mitch is the 2nd best QB in the AFC East, behind the aforementioned Josh Allen.
  25. Daboll seems to be throwing the word consistent around A LOT today. I wonder what he means by that...
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