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Everything posted by JGMcD2

  1. Because it wasn't rooted in any fact... it was something you made up off the top of your head. You are all upset and claim the majority of people on this board are incapable of being objective... yet there was zero objectivity in your claim. It was rooted in opinion. Again... here is an opinion... that's not objective. Find a reputable source and their definition of what a bust is and then make your argument based on that. I personally don't have an issue with you having an opinion... nor do I have an issue with you striving for people to be objective. The issue is you're taking your opinion, the word objective and conflating them. You're not a dumb guy, you have some great posts, just hold yourself to the same standard that you're trying to hold everyone else to.
  2. I'd take the Denver job and go get Aaron Rodgers! Although right now Fangio might be saved by Teddy Two Gloves.
  3. Ahhh the misunderstood genius who is always so objective… so much so that they never use stats to back anything up… just their opinions! Staying on topic for this week… I can’t wait to watch McDermott’s defense struggle against Davis Mills this Sunday… because like you said a few weeks back… he’s not that great against rookie QBs! Good thing at least one of us uses objectivity! 😉
  4. It has nothing to do with the o-line. It's blatantly obvious that Josh is regressing right in front of our eyes! 🤣
  5. That’s fair. I think it’s a little different when the player is the face of the franchise… but you’re right.
  6. That’s how that works? You’re good at something so you’re allowed to be a miserable human being? 😂
  7. The Big Grass Lot as listed on the map is where I normally park. Plenty of room… good mix of people… easy walk to the stadium.
  8. Incredible Kyler has 4 over 2 seasons and change… but Josh has 7 over 3 seasons and change. Pretty wild. Also, I only count 3 for Brady since 2017.
  9. Dude, you’re not understanding how the statement was phrased. “We’re a wild card squad”… meaning we make the playoffs as a Wild Card team… instead of winning the AFCE. Get back under your bridge…
  10. So we just beat the team that many think is our main competition for the division 35-0 with Josh playing poorly and we’re a Wild Card team if Josh keeps playing this way? Where is the logic?
  11. Our window has been open for 1 full year and 1 game… and we’re placing blame for making it to the AFCCG losing and then losing 1 game in a 17 game season? Ask me this question after this season if we don’t find a way to beat KC in the playoffs… and yes we will play them there. If we’re saying what needs to be fixed it’s the offensive play calling… but “placing blame for not winning a Super Bowl” is an odd way to phrase things…
  12. Where does this come from? Other than out of left field…
  13. Yes, that was my impression as well. After the play he was motioning that there was an Offside. That happened twice during the game… I don’t remember the exact situation for the 2nd instance.
  14. I'm just going to dump some of my thoughts from a PM with another poster because he asked me to contribute them to the conversation. A couple of things had me scratching my head. I think McDermott was regretting not going for other manageable 4th downs earlier in the game and decided to be aggressive later and it cost us. Generally I’m fine with his game management… but didn’t like that. That backward pass on 4th and 1 felt like the Colts weird punt thing a few years back (I think you know what I’m referring to). I wasn’t even mad… I just didn’t know what to say or think. You go with your best and highest percentage play there… which is giving Josh Allen the damn football. When Jittery Josh showed up in the first half I didn’t feel great… but the defense was balling out early. He put together that beautiful drive at the end of the half… something that became a MVP Josh Allen staple last season. He was surgical, ate up clock and seemingly deflated the opposition heading into the half. It looked to be the case and IMO the Tre pick would’ve sealed the game. Unfortunately the refs made a bad call (didn’t cost us the game… we had plenty of opportunities to take things into our own hands). After that the Steelers mustered up some life… and Jittery Josh came back. THAT was the point that I was really frustrated with Daboll not putting him in a better spot. Josh is extremely comfortable moving and throwing… so move him out and give him some bunnies. Once he gets in a rhythm he’s unstoppable and it puts the defense on their heels… but at that point the O-line clearly wasn’t capable of letting him get in a rhythm. It was Daboll’s job to manufacture an atmosphere to get Josh comfortable again. He failed there. I think Daboll is one of the top OC in the league and wouldn’t really trade for any other OC (I’d take McVay or LeFluer but they’re HC). He just gets stubborn and it takes games like this to get him to reset. I think we’ll see a gameplan that puts less pressure on Josh to do it all himself next week. It will still be the Josh Allen show… but not where he has to run for his life and make plays. Yeah… but at that point… RUN THE DAMN BALL. Take some pressure off Josh and make teams think about defending the run at least a little bit. We had success running Singletary later in the game. I never thought I’d say this… but he’s clearly too pass happy.
  15. Please go back and re-read exactly what I said. I did not call you a troll.. I asked if you were going to continue to troll. Doesn't not make you a troll... I'm defining your behavior and not you as a person. Glad we found some common ground. That's why I ask for stats and facts. It's not as bad as you were portraying it... but they absolutely do need to make adjustments.
  16. Yes, Daboll needs to find more balance. I agree with that point. Your point that his play calling fails at important times against good teams (or defenses as originally defined) is not backed up by their 5-1 (28 PPG) against top 10 defenses last year. If they were failing they'd be losing more of those games than they're winning. If your expectation is that football teams are regularly going to dominate good defensive teams then you're setting yourself up for disappointment with unrealistic expectations. Hahaha and by the way... you just told me I'm talking win-loss and that you're talking about "offensive gameplay" and then your bullet point for AZ is "We lost." 🤣
  17. When did I make anything personal or accuse you of making anything personal? You're arguing with anecdotes again and not facts. You said they have their "off-days" with elite D's and it's troubling trend. Are teams not going to have problems against good defenses? Of course they had problems against good defenses.. ultimately they adjusted and won 5/6 football games. I'm here trying to define what you're actually saying to see if it's true. I showed you they went 5-1 against teams that were top-end defenses last year... they averaged 28 points/game. If the 49ers get a pass for being banged up and the Steelers get a pass for falling apart... does that mean we get a pass for playing Tennessee last year with unprecedented circumstances or because all of our WRs were seriously hurt when we played KC in the AFC Championship game? Of course we don't get a pass for that.
  18. 2020 DVOA Defense Rankings #1 Pittsburgh (W) #4 Los Angeles (W) #6 San Francisco (W) #7 Indianapolis (W) #9 Baltimore (W) #10 Arizona (L) #11 Miami (W x2) 7-1 against top tier defenses last year? We can do top 10... 5-1
  19. And they haven't won any important games at any point during the regular season or playoffs? They didn't beat the Colts last year in the playoffs? They didn't beat the Ravens last year in the playoffs? They didn't beat the same Steelers team (11-1 going into the game) last year during the regular season? They didn't smack a playoff hopeful Miami Dolphins week 17? 49ers last season? They beat the Rams last year? Didn't we beat the most top 10 defenses (according to DVOA)? All those teams I'm listing out there were considered top of line defenses. You're trolling until you actually start putting together a fair argument that looks at everything objectively... this is why I am asking for stats and facts... not your personal anecdotes. Also, please show me where I said any of those words that you so kindly put into my mouth...?
  20. Can we get some stats or are you just going to show up in every thread and troll all week? It's fine if it's true... more than happy to have that discussion... but it's not true just because you say it.
  21. This post made me cry. My Mom and I share the same back and forth during Bills games that you and your Mom shared. I’m so sorry for your loss. God Bless.
  22. Except the Browns have somehow managed like 26K straight votes in the last hour.
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