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Everything posted by JGMcD2

  1. You make claims very often about how right you are… reference evidence… but never show it. If the evidence exists… why not show it? It just seems odd. You’re a smart guy… why not just back up your statements with evidence you say exists? I haven't really done much individual analysis but at a glance I thought a guy like Tre'Davious White might end up being a terrific corner and being a very good tackler he might translate to S one day and that long term package might be a second or third round investment versus the steep price for his teammate Adams. His talent may actually be downgraded because he's been asked to play the more valued position. And that's always part of the equation when evaluating safeties. Byrd lasted until round 2 in part because HE was a CB in college. This was the only reference I could find you making about Tre White between January 1, 2016 and April 27, 2017. You said he was worth a 2nd or 3rd rounder and that he may be a terrific corner but could also move to safety? Hardly the rock-solid endorsement of his abilities that you’re describing in your posts above. If other instances exists why not show me, rather than make me dig it up?
  2. Can you cite the actual evidence of you saying prior to the 2017 NFL Draft that Tre White was the top CB in the draft class?
  3. This! I don’t think people get this… release Beasley to save ~$6M and then have to find his replacement for less than $6M to make it worthwhile.
  4. Allen Diggs Knox Poyer Milano White Bass
  5. This is scary as hell… for the rest of the NFL. This is Josh Allen with his offensive line playing below average. If our offensive line regularly plays at a slightly above average clip… woof.
  6. There’s no reason to give him 10-20 touches a game. The 8-15 he’s getting right is just fine. He doesn’t make guys miss here and there… he makes a guy miss on like every touch. He’s averaging 5 yards a carry… that’s tied for 7th among RB. He needs to clean up his ball security… otherwise he’s just fine. There’s no reason to force feed him the ball when we have Josh Allen. 20ish touches/game between Breida, Moss and Singletary is appropriate. We just need the threat the run to have success on offense. EDIT: Singletary and Moss forced missed tackles on 21% and 20% of their touches last year. It puts them both in the top 20 in the NFL. For reference Derrick Henry and Zeke Elliot had 20% and 19%.
  7. I don’t think we’re taking Taron Johnson off the field. Maybe a little more against run heavy teams… but we’ll play predominantly nickel.
  8. I don’t necessarily disagree or agree with anything here… I’d just like to point out that it’s kind of telling we’re questioning game day in-actives and our punter? How many teams in the league have the luxury of wondering which depth defensive end should be active or how much their #4 WR should be playing? Or how many more snaps their 3rd string linebacker should get alongside their starters?
  9. When things were going really bad with our run game, part of the reason we even gained yards at all was because Devin would make a guy miss in the backfield… he jukes a guy out on like every run. What games are you watching? I don’t think he’s an elite back by any means, but he’s not as horrible as everyone makes him sound.
  10. Or we move on from it because it’s an anomaly for him over 1.5 seasons… Josh seemed to have no issues going to him yesterday after the drop.
  11. It was reviewed. All turnovers are reviewed… by moving forward with the play the call either stood or was confirmed.
  12. If Josh keeps playing well and accounting 80% of our offense I think he ends up winning MVP. Voters were skeptical last year that it was a fluke (and Rodgers balled out) if he finished with another high end season for the 2nd year in a row they’re going to lean a little more his way. Especially with how congested things are.
  13. The ball definitely hit the ground and was rolling around when the player rolled over himself. You could only see this from the back angle - but I thought it was pretty blatant. All turnovers are reviewed and by giving the Jets the ball… they either decided there wasn’t enough evidence or that they should “just give it to them.” Diggs didn’t get 2 feet in. His left foot was down just before the ball hit his hands and he couldn’t manage to drag it after he got his right foot down. In real time during the broadcast I thought he got a knee or his ass down in bounds… but it was pretty clear all he got was 1 foot.
  14. I was doing my best amateur lip reading but it looked like some sort of miscommunication. It seemed like Saleh believed that only the referees on the field had made the call on the field and the Sky Judge hadn’t buzzed in. If I read his lips right after he threw the flag he said “you told me it was your call!” Meaning the ref on the field made the call but obviously that wasn’t the case.
  15. Who was the idiot that wanted to waive Gabriel Davis last week and try and “sneak him on to the practice squad.” ?
  16. So, we're not a real contender? Got it.
  17. There’s a defender bearing down on him because he wasn’t blocked? Where was he supposed to go? It’s not a great angle, but he’s very clearly going to cut back into the defender in the backfield if he “hits the hole.”
  18. I agree with everything - I don’t think the line is as bad as they are playing. It would obviously be nice to have Teller, but we don’t. In hindsight Ford was a bad pick. It’s not like the line has been totally neglected… they’ve put a lot of resources into it. Buy and large they were solid last year - the regression this year is concerning. I expected some but I didn’t expect them to become entirely incompetent. I don’t think you and I will ever see eye to eye on roster construction which is fine. I’m ok with the approach up to this point - although I’m going to agree that he needs to lean more towards your approach and go all in this off-season.
  19. There are obviously things wrong with this team. There are things wrong all 32 teams in the NFL. There’s no issue in pointing those flaws out - it’s just the rambling about things that don’t even make sense. Most posts aren’t even rooted in fact… they’re rooted in emotion from a guy on his couch watching the broadcast view of the game. First and foremost the offensive line needs to be fixed. This gives Josh more time to make a play and also helps the run game enough to open up the pass game. It’s a technique/communication issue. Talent wise our lineman are not as bad as they’re playing. They’re an average offensive line when all things are going right - which is more than enough for Josh to make things happens. I’m a believer that adversity is a positive thing. Sure, it’s embarrassing to lose to the Jaguars but these setbacks should provide opportunities to create solutions that help avoid REAL let downs when it matters in the playoffs.
  20. This is plenty to make him one of the best drafters in the NFL. It’s nothing to scoff at - wouldn’t you agree? I’m not saying that he’s perfect by any means… but the damn guy is the reigning Executive of the Year. He’s pretty good at what he does.
  21. He was in the Bills backyard, yeah? The current regime has zero influence on what the past regime does. The Bills as an entity did not take Marpet but blaming the entire organization is wasteful when the leadership philosophies change with each regime.
  22. You’re reading this board and all of the idiotic takes and knee-jerk reactions… but I’m the one spinning out of control? The same miserable people post the same miserable crap every week and then try to pass themselves off as knowledgeable. That’s out of control… I’m sure the mods are taking down more of their posts than we even know. We just see their least ridiculous posts. They complain about everything and then REALLY go out on a limb and say “not good enough to win a Super Bowl.” They’ve got a 97% chance of being right about that… and then scream “I told you so when it’s all said and done.” ***** figure it out. This place is a mess and will just get worse if nobody says anything.
  23. Nobody has ever attempted the Rams model because eventually you’re out of resources and in salary cap hell. Kudos to them for pushing all their chips in… but it’s going to set the franchise back and will look horrible if they don’t win the Super Bowl. That Von Miller trade was great too - he really had an impact in their blowout loss to the Titans (I’m just overreacting based on 1 game like everyone else - this is the equivalent of you complaining about Gabe Davis dropping a catch in 1 game). It’s comical you’re upset about Moss and Singletary, then a few lines down your begging for an offensive line. I bet Moss and Singletary would love an offensive line too! You’re completely missing the point of drafting… and I don’t need you to “go on” when you attach comments like “field vision of a 90 year old”, “has 5 games where he averages 3.4 yards” or get upset because a pair or 5th rounders aren’t on the roster. You’ve proven you don’t understand.
  24. Are you blaming Beane for not taking Ali Marpet in the 2015 draft?
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