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Everything posted by JGMcD2

  1. Alright MAJBobby, you win this one. Have a great Sunday man. Go Bills!
  2. I did read...you've posted 4 times in this thread and nowhere did you mention Phillips or being happy with the win. You must run your mouth so much that you don't even know what you say and where you say it. You should trade trademark "Cup of Process" it's quite clever. Another positive contribution from you.
  3. You've said nothing positive until this post, and you still managed to be negative. If you're happy with a win, then you have a funny way of showing it. Yes, you're a blowhard.
  4. No counter to the points? Obviously not because you're a blowhard.
  5. Don't care about personality... well then you don't understand any sort of team game, which breaks down to individual people and personal interactions. Titans offensive coordinator Matt LeFleur is a Shanahan and McVay disciple, supposedly one of the most innovative offensive minds in the game today... their modern NFL offense got them a whopping 4 field goals against this McDermott coached team that you despise so much. Just support your damn team and the next time a big time position opens with the Bills coaching staff, throw your resume in the pile - I'm sure they'll give you a long hard look.
  6. I can't believe this guy is still allowed to have a job. He may be 56-27 since coming to KC during the 2013 season, but he is only 1-4 in the playoffs. Not to mention his handpicked QB, Patrick Mahomes, is only 13-26 for 142 Yards on Monday Night Football. His defense is one of the worst in all of football, and doesn't look any better tonight against journeyman Case Keenum. I can't believe he is still a head coach, he's the worst in all football! Not to mention he fooled that Pegula Family into hiring Sean McDermott, the second worst coach in all of football! All of these "intelligent" people who make millions of dollars a year have no clue what they are doing. I suggest they start listening to me and everyone on this message board because we really know football.
  7. I’m just curious why culture is BS? You realize developing a culture is huge to the sustained success of an organization, not just in sports, but any organization. The military is legitimately based around culture and without a doubt our military is the single best run organization in the world. It all starts with culture. If you don’t have 100% buy in of the concepts valued by the military you don’t make it, it’s imperative for your peers to have 100% confidence in you. It starts and ends with accountability, attention to detail and strong values. No different than what is commonly associated with successful sports organizations. The same stuff McDermott preaches here, and has begun to successfully implement. Watch how those guys reacted last year on key plays in big moments, it was different than any other team. Taiwan Jones spin move against Oakland on a key 3rd down comes to mind. Our 3rd string RB makes a key, but not crucial play, and the entire team mobs him? That’s not fantasy land, that’s real stuff. That means something to a group of people. It’s not just Madden where you plug in everyone who is 99 overall and win a Super Bowl, or fantasy football where all that matters is the number they produce at the end of the day. All 53 guys in the locker room, the coaching staff, the training staff, the front office, they’re all people with real emotions. You can’t just shove them on the field and say go play with nothing to really play for, this is just a job and they get paid roughly the same if the make the playoffs or not, definitely not enough of an incentive money wise to get all 53 guys to buy in and sell their bodies out in order to play more games and put their body on the line. Also I can’t stand listening to the whole narrative of how the team got lucky to make the playoffs. Nothing is given, it is earned. They practiced every day, they played every week and they had the required amount of wins to make the playoffs. That means as the Wild Card team, there were 10 teams in the AFC that they were better than, and therefore earned the right to go the playoffs. They did what they needed to do in order to get in, 10 other teams did not. Plain and simple. It’s indisputable.
  8. Meant for it to be a comment on his post. Way to contribute something substantial.
  9. If you can tell me clearly and 100% correct how the following things work I will listen to your post, because then you obviously understand what it takes to formulate a "plan". Salary Cap Waiver Process Free Agency NFL Draft The NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement Managing the 53 Man Roster Managing the Practice Squad
  10. Dude, if you have a better plan, why aren't you running an NFL team? Map it out for me please. It takes incredible foresight to run an organization... you can't even seem to figure out how to run spell check.
  11. Thank you so much for the thorough response!!! Much appreciated! I’ll have to check them both out. Thank you!!
  12. Hey all, Just moved out to Phoenix, AZ for school. Don’t really want to spend the money on the Sunday ticket and sit in my place by myself watching the Bills. Does anyone have info on the best place to go watch the games with Bills fans close to downtown Phoenix? Appreciate the help!
  13. So what are you trying to prove? You listed all of the guys he signed, there’s like 40 guys there, some of them are depth guys? Not every signing is going to be an All-Pro, teams are 53 deep. We have 52M+ dead cap for this season, while still fielding a team. They wanted to get rid of large contracts that hampered that process. He didn’t sign Dareus to the large deal, or Cordy Glenn, or Tyrod, or Eric Wood, or Incognito...big money deals very rarely work out. All of those guys were being paid a lot of money to be unreliable, whether it be performance based, attitude based or injury based. Beane made the decision now to move the salary, take the cap hit in 2018, and then free up the books in the following seasons. Sure, he could have kept all of those guys, and he would have been forced to pay them in 2018, 2019, 2020, and beyond. It’s your choice, those 5 players I listed are not winning us a Super Bowl. What do you want in return in trades? Unless you’re trading a premier NFL player, high draft pick compensation is not common for players with large contracts. Dareus was shopped to the entire league, the best offer we got was a 6th rounder, that speaks to his value. Sammy Watkins returned a 2nd rounder and our #2 corner on a playoff team? Watkins wasn’t being re-signed anyway. Tyrod for a 3rd when he was getting cut is pretty damn good. Trading Glenn (who played 6 games last year) to move up in the draft and put you in position to take your Franchise QB, doesn’t bother me. McCarron for a 5th... that’s a return on value 4 years after he was drafted in the 5th round. What I’m sensing here is someone who really doesn’t understand how this all works. The playoffs were something that was unexpected last year, the goal here is to build the team the right way.
  14. I was in Massachusetts for three years while I went to school. I have a lot of very good friends from my time there, but I can say with ease that they are the hardest fans to deal with in all of sports. Especially around my age (18-24) all they've ever done is win with the Pats, Celtics, Bruins and Red Sox winning championships in their lifetime. If one team isn't playing well, they just abandon it for whatever team is playing well, or they talk about how bad X,Y and Z are and how they're "tired of losing". Any time you try and have a civil conversation about sports, it turns into "We're better than you", "How many duck boat parades have you had?", "Brady has 5 rings", "28-3" , "Look at all of our banners", "TB12", "The GOAT". They couldn't have a conversation or discussion, because they really didn't know all that much, so they would always default to the 6-7 things they did know. They got pretty brutal, and it became evident that they didn't know how to lose. The entire season they started with the annoying saying that "Our regular season doesn't start until January, the first 17 weeks of the season are irrelevant to us". It was awful. The worst scenario was the Gronkowski incident when he jumped on Tre White's head. They all defended Gronk during the game, saying Tre deserved it, that what Gronk did wasn't even that bad. Then come basketball season there was a play where Al Horford got pushed from behind under the net and they started FLIPPING out saying how dirty it was because he fell. They decided to ask my opinion, and I said " At someone didn't jump on his head after he was laying on the ground. Nothing is worse than that". They didn't like that, and said it was two totally different scenarios, and the Gronk's play wasn't dirty. It was amazing when they were getting destroyed by the Falcons the first half of the Super Bowl how many people gave up, threw things, locked themselves in their room, cried. made excuses. It was a sneak peak into what will happen when Brady and Belicheck retire. I just wish they didn't come back, because that next week was miserable to live through. There are so many more stories I can't share. I HATE BOSTON SPORTS FANS.
  15. We didn’t give up two first round picks for Watkins. We swapped our first round pick with Cleveland’s first round pick. Then we traded them a future future first round pick. 2014 Bills 1st Round Pick + 2015 Bills 1st Round Pick - 2014 Browns 1st Round Pick = 1 First Round Pick given up for Sammy Watkins.
  16. I think you're missing the point. All I was doing was comparing how Mayfield's performance last night was painted in a positive light, while a similar performance for Allen last week was shown in a negative light. Don't lump me in here with "everyone else". I don't need anyone to agree with me, I was trying to raise discussion about the portrayal of the players and how fans and media alike react to that. P.S. I do work in talent evaluation LOL.
  17. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2791525-nfl-preseason-roundup-josh-allen-looks-more-like-treasure-than-trash#slide10 I love how performance is manipulated by the writers, and eaten up by fans reading content. Let's look at the comparison between Josh Allen and Baker Mayfield in this article alone. I'll start by saying that I really like both, and believe they will be successful NFL quarterbacks. I'd like to follow that up with the fact that the media DOES NOT want Josh Allen to have success, not in the slightest. He will always be framed as a guy with a big arm, who is athletic, but not accurate enough to be a good quarterback. Josh played with the 3rd unit against the Panthers in week 1 of the preseason. He finished that game 9/19 for 116 yards and 1 touchdown. While the 9/19 isn't fantastic, he did some impressive things during that game, considering he was running for his life behind the Bills 3rd string offensive line. He made 2 very poor throws, 2 that were overthrown on deep routes, he had 3-4 balls that were clearly dropped by the receiver and then a handful that were incomplete on purpose. Again, he was 9/19 that is the stat line, but given the circumstances it was an impressive performance. Now the article above states it was an up and down performance for Josh, and I completely disagree. According to Mr. Davenport Josh Allen's performance was up and down, while media darling Baker Mayfield's performance this week was framed in a much different way, despite having an eerily similar narrative. Let's review how Mr. Davenport frames Baker Mayfield's performance tonight. "At first glance, it might look like Mayfield took a step backward after having the best exhibition debut of any of this year's first-round rookies under center. He barely completed over 50 percent of his 13 pass attempts for just 75 yards against Buffalo. To be fair, it wasn't as good a performance as he posted against the New York Giants. But it also wasn't as bad as that stat line. Playing with reserve offensive linemen, for the most part, who showed why they aren't starting, Mayfield was consistently harassed by Buffalo pass-rushers. But rather than get happy feet or make a poor decision that resulted in a turnover, Mayfield hung in the pocket and made throws." Let's also look at how he frames Josh Allen's performance last week. "First came an up-and-down preseason debut against the Carolina Panthers in which both Allen's big right arm and his lack of accuracy were on display." Baker Mayfield gets the glass half-full treatment, while Josh Allen gets the glass half-empty treatment. The narrative will always be that Allen is inconsistent, and until he becomes a top-tier quarterback it will stay that way. His college career is not all that different from Carson Wentz, the only difference is that Carson played for the Alabama of the FCS, with teams that dominated the competition on a daily basis, so much so that Carson Wentz missed 8 games as a redshirt senior and the team still managed to go 8-0 with a freshman quarterback leading the team. Now, Carson Wentz is an MVP caliber quarterback, but he was on an outstanding team and his numbers are eerily similar to Josh Allen. Josh played against elevated competition at Wyoming on a team that was nowhere near as talented as NDSU. Josh Allen catches some undue flack from the media for no reason, Wentz was another media darling despite being an FCS quarterback on a dominant team. Wentz definitely elevated that team's level of play, but they could still function without him. At Wyoming, Allen definitely elevated his team, but they couldn't live without him. https://mwwire.com/2018/01/21/nfl-draft-josh-allen-carson-wenz/ The media is going to force feed fans information that is twisted and altered in order to create the narrative they want. I highly suggest fans start educating themselves on their topic of interest by going to numerous sources, rather than just click a headline, listen to ESPN or click on a boxscore and assume it is a fact. I just want an unbiased opinion on how these guys are doing, I am so tired of media personalities and their inflated egos. They're not talent evaluators, their job is to report facts. Give me the facts and have constructive conversations around sports, athletes and their performance.
  18. I saw today that Tim Graham and Matthew Fairburn will be covering the Bills on The Athletic. I have to say, what The Athletic is doing is amazing. They’re poaching all of the top talent, while other sports reporting entities seem to be faltering. They’re almost forcing folks who are interested in good sports journalism to subscribe, I’m very close myself. I’ve noticed all of the big time names they’ve brought in on the MLB side, and now they’ve got arguably the two best Bills writers in one place. What does everyone else think?
  19. I have spent the last three years going to school in Massachusetts. I have always hated the Patriots, but never really felt the need to root against the other Boston sports teams. I can can safely say after my time in Massachusetts, I despise all four teams. It has nothing to do with the players (this includes why I hate the Patriots), it’s just their fans. I have never met a less knowledgeable, more brash and fair weather fan base in my life. They only root come playoff time, stomp and whine when they don’t get their way, talk trash about your teams, and can’t handle when you say something about their team, and don’t get me started about how they handle losing. The Gronk incident was horrible trying to deal with, I had people trying to tell me it was an accident, that it was funny, etc. Then I’m watching the Celtics/Cavs game the other day when Horford gets shoved from behind and they’re acting like JR Smith committed murder. I tried to compare it to the Gronk incident, and I’m told that what’s Gronk did wasn’t as bad. The fans ruin it for me, ultimately I think Boston sports teams have the same grit that we tend to love come from the Bills and Sabres, but the fans in my generation are so privileged that they’re blind to everything else going on. Going through all the hardships we’ve been through as Buffalo sports fans, I think we have a different appreciation for sports. I just hope that when we get to the top, we don’t act like the Boston fan base, I know I’d be sick if that was the case.
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