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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. Kirby, bless you. You're the most patient poster here.
  2. You would think that would earn him legend status, but many would complain about a whole litany of things inherent in a new stadium: break with tradition, tailgating is different and we can't handle change, parking is hard to find, I don't feel safe downtown, and on and on.
  3. Insulting people in the thread TITLE. A new high water mark for TSW. I'm growing to hate this place.
  4. No kidding. I initially scoffed at the old-timers who warned of a coming decline, but it's true that the quality here has dropped markedly in the last month or so.
  5. Chris Rea. Recently discovered his other hits and I'm totally hooked. Unmistakable voice, great songwriter, slick on the slide guitar.
  6. That's actually a great point. We should never take this for granted. Thank you Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Pegula.
  7. As much as Joe Sixpack hates PSLs, is it not true that PSL revenue isn't part of revenue sharing? If that's right, PSLs will help Pegula competitively, maybe stop his financial people from telling him he needs to quit investing with his heart.
  8. How can this be known? If true it would mean Brown or his agent told people in Miami that, in effect giving away leverage to Miami, and then topped it off by heading to Buffalo to waste everyone's time in a place he's not interested in. And all this from his NEWER, BETTER agent?
  9. Maybe the Bills said, here's your offer. Feel free to shop around and bring your best deal back to us. We'll talk further. And so they are. Or the Bills are trying to get Miami to overspend. We think we know, but we just, don't, know.
  10. It was actually loaded with Packers fans. I would say maybe 40% of the stadium was yellow. I was surprised (disappointed) at the overall conduct from the Packers faithful, I would have expected better. Can't recall specifics but I just remember being surprised.
  11. I think Jordy's drop killed them. He probably would have outrun Aaron Williams and gone to the house, and that would have changed the game.
  12. Does Whaley tell you personally every time he does scream for a player? We should have had extreme vetting here before taking in the refugees.
  13. Great post. The subject of player development rarely gets discussed but is one of the most important parts of an organization in my opinion.
  14. What people are mocking is the silly idea that comp picks are an end unto themselves, that you should strategize to get at the expense of your upcoming season.
  15. Wow this would be outstanding. In addition to everything else that's been said, apparently he was a team captain for the Seahawks.
  16. Pretty sure someone's pie hole is their mouth. Could be a problem to confuse the two.
  17. Fine, as long as the D keeps us in games and we don't need to come from behind.
  18. Three negatives crammed into a 9 word phrase. That's the TSW equivalent of a triple word score.
  19. Thanks for posting Jerry. DTV normally keeps me on the line a minimum of 20 minutes when I make my annual Sunday Ticket call, but if I had to follow all those steps I'm pretty sure I would have hung up out of exhaustion before even getting to step 2. Score one for the good guys.
  20. Not sure if this has been discussed or not, but I wonder whether restructure negotiations ever get into players asking for, and teams agreeing to, use of some of the saved cap room to acquire another player at a position favorable to the renegotiating player. Example: Tyrod says I'll do this deal if you agree to strengthen the roster at WR or TE. Not that this would ever be written down in contract form, but it would be interesting to hear what kind of quid pro quos go on in these types of negotiations.
  21. I also read this to mean the refusal was from Carpenter, not Whaley. But far be it from me to get in the way of a crusade.
  22. Answer me this: If this is plausible narrative, who's the leaker and better yet, what's his motivation for leaking?
  23. Good stuff, thanks for posting. How's Darryl doing these days?
  24. If this is the case, it would be an interesting project for someone to maintain a map of the acquisitions and from that, piece together where the stadium is going.
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