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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. You mean the same camp arm that beat Clemson in Clemson? Not saying I'm a believer necessarily, just pointing out that negative rants based on cherry-picked facts are easily neutralized by other cherry-picked facts.
  2. Stop ranting and make your case. Explain why they're stooges.
  3. The more you contribute here, the less you contribute here.
  4. I wouldn't mind that lover's paycheck.
  5. On a related note, he reminds me of Neo's nemesis in The Matrix.
  6. How does this thread add up to all the pitchforks out for Overdorf? I don't get it.
  7. To mess with which people? Maybe throwing his employer (or former employer) off his trail? Look at me post.
  8. If these disclosures are true, I'd begin to question where Leroi is coming from or who he is. First disclosing the Bills Board, now using his influence to try to break news that Beane is working unofficially for the Bills? At best a LAMP poster dishing on his organization for "glory", and at worst out to hurt the team.
  9. Yes, Patriot fans really ARE the best.
  10. Did Kyle Willams sign off on this plan?
  11. Even granting that there COULD be philosophical dealbreakers between a coach and GM, any of those would be vetted out in the hiring process. Nonissue.
  12. Why no mention of LeGarrett Blount? Good enough for the Giants to be interested and probably wouldn't mind playing Belichick twice a year.
  13. Sure, you can take a brief vignette and write a story around it. And in the process disregard any other relevant context to fit a predetermined story line. Who's to say Whaley didn't burn the midnight oil the night before so he could play for a few minutes with his daughter? We'll never know because either Kryk doesn't know or never bothered to find out. A casual passerby could see the same thing and jump to the same ill-informed conclusion. All these articles to me are like a Mexican restaurant menu - everything has the same ingredients, just arranged differently. The Whaley playtime thing is just a few more jalapenos thrown on top. Not a defender of Whaley's, just don't care for Kryk attaching some special meaning onto playing with his daughter.
  14. I think submissive is a strong word, that likely doesn't match what Pegula is thinking. Pegula wants collaboration. Submission is not collaboration, and it doesn't bring value commensurate to what Pegs would pay the guy.
  15. Boy if they do have two separate administrative organizations, I have to believe that ends soon. Way to many economies of scale to exploit not to merge them.
  16. Who's that?
  17. Let's see if they're still laughing a year from now when we use their #1 pick.
  18. Not doubting Leroi's past contributions but it's hard to believe the new and improved, more leak resistant Bills org lets Leroi divulge the board, or doesn't know he's doing so. And that Leroi is close enough to know, but disloyal enough to share publicly. Sorry L. but I'm not buying it.
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