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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. At first glance I agree. But what has me nervous is, what happens if he gets hurt during the season? Then you're scrambling to fill multiple roster spots simultaneously.
  2. A fringe benefit of my move from Houston to Pittsburgh was being able to attend all home games, so yes I renewed. On my 6th year.
  3. I don't disagree with you, but I have a serious question. Have you ever posted something positive?
  4. Fortunately, that's McDermott's strength so maybe he's thinking he can coach them up.
  5. I listened to the give and take between John Murphy and Frazier. Just because Frazier said "potentially" when JM asked him about Ragland at OLB, I don't assume he's giving us his true opinion. Would you really expect him to answer "hell no, he's not athletic enough to play outside"? I don't think coaches make statements like that unless they're really put in a corner.
  6. Can we circle back to the original post? I've read it a few times and I'm not clear on what's being reported. Are you saying that Polian said that A BILLS EXEC TOLD HIM that if Darius screws up he's going to be let go?
  7. Yea fortunately they're in their upper teens and 20s so....we still get a chuckle out of that. All part of Bills gameday fun.
  8. How about we consider this thread an island of class in a sea of......something else.
  9. Like I tell my kids, try to "win each day". That's really all the Bills can do in the off-season.
  10. Hey Boyst, You make some good points and I agree that what's considered classy is changing. But I do think there are some things that are timeless (but less common these days): Restraint Humility Congratulating someone for doing well Self awareness Sincerity It's been awhile since we met, I think it was at the 2015 TBDHOT. Funny, I don't recall you being drunk, I'd call it "hospitable". As I recall you were discussing the pros and cons of Tinder with my kids. Even got my wife to try some of your 'shine.
  11. Class. A topic I often find myself talking to my kids about. How do you define what it means to be classy? Do different generations define it differently? Are you classy? Do you care? Discuss.
  12. I fear his visit is a leverage play, as is often the case. Sorry, someone had to say it.
  13. Na! Old regime bad, new regime good!
  14. I don't mean this to be rude but who cares what you know or don't know? How does that have any bearing on the organization's effectiveness going forward?
  15. Yea, I can't get used to no bbmb either. But for different reasons than the OP.
  16. No thanks to Karlos or the old navy blue unis.
  17. I think this stick of dynamite goes boom. http://buffalonews.com/2014/04/12/under-lease-court-could-bar-any-new-owner-from-moving-buffalo-bills/ "I've been in this business a long time, and I keep referring to this as an incredible gift that Ralph Wilson gave to the people of Western New York, said Marc Ganis of SportsCorp Ltd., a Chicago sports consulting firm with strong connections to the NFL. The community will understand its value more and more as time goes on." Well, some in the community get it, but not all apparently.
  18. Wow I am stunned. I'd just assumed that Beane & Gaine interviewing for the GM job meant it was going to be an either/or kind of deal. Solid brain trust at the top. Not since the Polian days have we seen this. It feels strange.
  19. I'm good with Miller. If I'm Beane I'd put my limited cap funds to use at TE.
  20. I'm not a Brandon fan or apologist, and to me he has the aura of a used car salesman. Having said that, wasn't Brandon the one responsible for negotiating the poison pill provisions into the last lease agreement that made it prohibitive to move the team out of Buffalo?
  21. An English tutor would help, also.
  22. This should answer the question. http://www.charlotteobserver.com/sports/nfl/carolina-panthers/article149822794.html
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