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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. As DD has said, billionaires don't make foolish investments. But this one seems so, considering they are already planning their exit from The Cap. How long will it take to earn a return on this investment?
  2. Just ask DD, clearly he knows how.
  3. Great, a thread about Ralph's foibles. Now shall we discuss how the OP can't spell the name of his favorite NFL team? Ha, hilarious. (Rolls eyes...)
  4. Batavia stadium is just weird. Welcome to Buffalo Alex Smith?
  5. No to a dome. Yes I went yesterday. How many yes votes came from guys who were watching from their couch yesterday? Seeing it in person, I can confidently say the stadium was about 60-70% full.
  6. There is NO time for Toldozer. He's done.
  7. It wasn't easy, especially after having to drive back to PA after. But I'm glad I went!
  8. What do you mean, on TV? I will be in the stands rooting for my team.
  9. I agree with this. Hate when posters cite opinions as fact. Worst part of TSW.
  10. Except that in the 90s there was that blackout thing, which is no longer a thing.
  11. If your concern is instant gratification, then I agree with you.
  12. Hid-e-ous.
  13. I hear you, but Tre didn't say anything remotely similar.
  14. So, I shouldn't bet my house on this?
  15. All this speaks to is, you're comparing two guys with vastly different skill sets and processing abilities.
  16. Our current blue on white is one of the best unis in the league. Why are we messing with it?
  17. Brady and Belichick can take this any way they want, but when I read what Tre said, it didn't strike me as disrespectful or cocky. I don't think he was speaking about Brady as much as he was his OWN state of mind. I usually hate statements that seem like they poke the bear, but I can't hate this. If you go in scared you're done; I think he's just saying, he's not scared. I really like this kid.
  18. Ugh. Who ever thought this was a good idea?
  19. Anyone else get a chuckle out of posters who begin or end their point with, "I've been a Bills fan since 1970"? Like, that's supposed to add credibility? Not saying everyone's dumb but, you or I may have had an uninformed opinion for 40 years, and being wrong so long doesn't make anyone more credible.
  20. Agree. I think you have to let your veteran QB try some things before you just shut down the option altogether. Playing O without audibling in the modern NFL is like fighting with one arm tied behind your back.
  21. I kept saying he'd be fine, even when it wasn't cool. When he runs I see old # 83. I predict we'll ultimately be very happy with this pick.
  22. It's therapeutic to see other fanbases struggle on occasion, as we do all the time.
  23. Do you think you have above average football acumen? Because I do not.
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