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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. Poloncarz must be hanging out with SaviorPeterman to be so "concerned".
  2. I must be slow on the uptake because I don't understand what's there for the league to look into. The team let Brandon go. What else is there to look into? Whether the TEAM did anything wrong?
  3. What cracks me up about Hamilton is, when something big with the Sabres happens, he puts on his matter of fact voice and says "oh yea, that's no surprise, I saw that coming a mile away" yet never even hinted at that thing happening before it actually happened. Must be nice to be paid as a reporter/commentator yet never actually break any news.
  4. I'm stunned that even anonymous posters would say things like this, far ahead of all facts being known. I know, I shouldn't be. To assert that Kim's background is even remotely analogous to what Russ was doing with the staff is an embarrassment to this site. I feel dirty just reading some of these posts.
  5. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
  6. Here at the draft party. A few minutes ago Josh and Tremaine said a few words. Then Josh walked off the stage and got absolutely mobbed by fans for about 5 minutes before security whisked him away.
  7. Careful now, people will think you're open minded. I kid...
  8. Which NFL team pays for your self assured opinons? Get over yourself already.
  9. The opposite of this. Pegula's reaction to the kneeling controversy shows he's very uncomfortable with PR challenges. That the Bills took Allen is proof that Pegula is giving Beane free reign.
  10. Well I see you have this very well thought out. Kudos.
  11. OP, since you don't like the draft, what is your proposed alternative for allocating college men to NFL teams?
  12. Love these threads. The timing works for this to be something.
  13. I think they want either Darnold or Rosen, in that order.
  14. Your indignation is duly noted.
  15. To me it's a no-brainer - yes! Shady's on the down side of his career and carries a big salary. If you can exchange that for 4 years of a quality starter at a low salary, you do it every time.
  16. Pretty sure that's all they ever do. Night 1 is for suite and club VIPs like Mead (free beer, wine and food), night 2 is for STHs (drinks and food at cost).
  17. I may be interested. I should know for sure on Monday. Edit: I'm in. Will be coming with my son.
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