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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. Generalize much? Tell Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren or Teresa May that they're submissive.
  2. Forget asking the fans what kind of stadium they want. I hope the Pegulas are asking the players too!
  3. I agree. Whenever stability is discussed I always wonder if it's a CAUSE of success, or the EFFECT of it.
  4. Interesting take. I happen to think these are the things Allen DOESN'T need advice about.
  5. Good luck with that plan. Do you realize who you're talking to?
  6. 2" in the northern burbs of Pittsburgh.
  7. Do you believe in choice for all those who can think and/or feel pain? Or just for those outside the womb?
  8. If Castillo is "widely" considered one of the best, it should be easy to provide a link to support this statement, right?
  9. OP - two reasons: First, it's not critical to their success to fully inform their fans. Second, there's no obligation to provide up-to-the-week updates. Any other questions?
  10. I think your memory is off base. They can't easily widen the concourses because most of that area is underground. What they did do in the last renovation was add stairways up and out of the concourses to reduce congestion. Different subject here, why are so many people in this thread referring to New Era as "Rich"?
  11. I basically told them in the comments section that I'd be willing to pay for PSLs but if I can't afford to sit in between the 35s in the lower level, I probably won't attend at all.
  12. I am. I'm on the 25 yard line 30 rows up, and hope many bail so I can keep moving closer to the 50.
  13. Attendance at last game was much stronger than I expected. I'd caution against a "box score scout" approach to taking the temperature of our fanbase.
  14. Yet he lucked into 2 TDs in week 17.
  15. Hate the horn. Anyone know if there's a particular tie between Buffalo and trains? Like, is the horn supposed to represent our great industrial past?
  16. Love the Shoutout photo supplied by the Bills. Not only shows Josh handing the ball to a young fan, but also, check out the guy to the kid's right...no shirt on, but yet has the "presence of mind" to protect his hands with gloves. Who does that? Hilarious!
  17. Congratulations to Levi. He's a great story and a terrific find for this regime.
  18. Cool video, extended version. Thanks for posting!
  19. Had season tix living in Houston, to help keep the franchise here. Now, live in Pittsburgh and kept my seasons. I think spending (time + money) is a rough measure of fandom.
  20. Another post written as fact with no particular insight - a.k.a., opinion.
  21. You're thinking of the private boxes. No "free" food in the clubs.
  22. Hoppe springs eternal!
  23. I never understand why people get so wound up about mock drafts. It's even more head scratching when they do so before free agency. I might suggest more productive pursuits like, political punditry or video games.
  24. Very cool that Allen embodies the soul of Buffalo.
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