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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. Funny, his home in Pitt is 5 minutes from me.
  2. Wow, I was ready to consider him permanently mediocre but maybe there's hope.
  3. Thought I'd start a thread specific to streaming Sunday Ticket. Mods, feel free to merge if you don't think this merits a separate thread. So I recently got my roof replaced and the DTV dish was pulled off and put back on in the process. This happened just in time for my dish to be inoperable for last Sunday. I figured out I could use my DTV account to stream to my Roku device. What a miserable experience. While coincidentally all the commercials seemed to come in perfectly clear, the game was 3 hours of freezing, skipping and blurred screens. I think my internet speed is about 7 mbps, with an older Roku. I had everyone in the house turn off wifi to their devices, but it was still terrible. Hows everyone else doing with streaming? Is it the internet speed or device that makes the most difference? Would I have been better off streaming to my son's Xbox? Thanks.
  4. Gase is sorely lacking as a leader of men. How the Jets didn't know that or take it into account during the hiring process is amazing.
  5. Yes, agree. I live in the Pitt burbs now, and thinking of going.
  6. Mmmm bagels....
  7. Yes it was. You said the fine should have been a percentage of his game check. The fact is, ANY amount of fine would have been a percentage of his game check, thereby meeting your criteria. I think your issue is, you wanted the percentage to be HIGHER than the percentage he was actually fined. What's the actual percentage that you think is proper?
  8. I mean he looks and acts like he's caught up in his own hype, not real, and would rather be shopping for hats or scarfs than breaking down defenses. So I was curious if anyone has come across articles discussing whether or not he's a "first in, last out" kind of leader.
  9. I have a simple question. Is he known to be a grinder? Because his public persona suggests he's not.
  10. If your theory is correct, why would he need to bother turning down Buffalo? Or is it your assertion that the stiff arm to Buffalo was done to help make his agreement to go to Oakland appear more plausible?
  11. Waiting on word from the NFL about a fine and/or suspension, but not holding my breath either.
  12. I dont know. I think I've heard players of every team speak of playing "(insert team name here) football". I find it meaningless.
  13. No. Just asked "why is he squatting on the hood of that car?" As if I would know?
  14. My son was interpreting (I couldn't understand anything the rapper was saying) and he explained to me that one of the songs was all about hooking up. Nice. Very apropos to football.
  15. Blake Bortles in the first half? Wow.
  16. Still on board.
  17. Could not agree more. It's fine to be enamored with a guy, and to be thrilled that you worked the draft in a way that you landed him, but none of that makes him auromatically capable of handling an outside speed rush. Bring him inside as a mauling guard, already.
  18. Agree. Those blue jerseys looked fantastic.
  19. Thanks for the update. I was in the same boat yesterday, saw your post and went to my local AT&T store. They said they couldn't change programming there, that's only possible at their "Hub" stores. My area Hub store was already closed for the day so I went home and took on the hour+ slog of finding a rep by phone who could help me. It turns out that the execution of this deal between NFL and DTV failed miserably, and the rep told me her supervisor was at his computer manually programming ST Max for season ticket holders who were offered this promotion. This morning my account had a charge on it of $395.95 for ST Max, then two $100 credits for ST Max and another credit for $95.94, the net result being ST Max for $100 as per the offer. ST Max for $100 is a nice perk as a Bills season ticket holder, but when they don't process it within 5 days as they say they will, it creates a lot of extra work and stress.
  20. I don't get the obsession GMs seem to have with avoiding guaranteed salary. Say you avoid having to pay a punter $2M by doing this (a very high estimate). Even if you lose just one game due to your crappy punter, was the cost avoidance worth it? His shanks have been 25 yard punts.
  21. The culinary prowess discussed here never ceases to amaze me. For me, football and food have little connection. I'm usually way too nervous and focused on gameday to worry about eating. Salsa and chips while listening to the postgame show is about my speed.
  22. Getting your family member access to Bills games so he DOESN'T lose his mind? That's a novel concept.
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