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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. Joaquin Phoenix looks good in a headset.
  2. I've renewed again, although I may get to fewer games this year due to having many other irons in the fire.
  3. That is always a possibility. However, having had brief one-on-one, non-planned interactions at season ticket holder events with Mr. Pegula (passing in the hallway inside the stadium) and Sean McDermott (after his workout in the new facility), I found both of them to be far more gracious than Wood was. I just found Wood's snubs to be odd.
  4. Ironically, in real life Wood isn't the aw shucks regular guy that the persona he cultivates on air would lead you to believe he is. Two times since his retirement I've seen him before games at the stadium, have been within feet of him in fact, and when I said hello he didn't acknowledge me in the least. That seems very rare for Buffalo sports personalities.
  5. I'd argue that "his game" isn't fully defined yet. He's still developing so let's not pigeonhole him just yet.
  6. Pretty sure NY funds renovated the locker rooms. Pegs paid for the workout facility.
  7. Thanks. Since the title included "against Houston" I was thinking the OP was mentioning a specific play or penalty in the game.
  8. Jeff Littman was CFO for the Bills under Ralph and was a long time confidant. I believe he was involved in administering Ralph's charitable foundation.
  9. I couldn't imagine sitting still for this show, or any prime time show come to think of it.
  10. Maybe the first time ever that he bought high and sold low.
  11. Those prices are actually a lot lower than I expected.
  12. Sir, you are the Neville Chamberlain of sports integrity. Sure, let's appease the cheaters because confronting them hurts us all. Baloney.
  13. May the better man win, regardless of race.
  14. Really, despite the final score?
  15. I don't think he needed to jump. So why?
  16. How'd Brady do at the end of his game, and what does that say about his career?
  17. Yes the slap on the wrist is really going to be a game changer.
  18. This was worse due to "the kicker".
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