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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. If you go there for news, you get what you deserve.
  2. Hyde for sure was back in the game.
  3. I saw two just this summer, both times they were crossing the road (running) as I was approaching in my truck. The first was in Farmersville (Harwood Lake), the second was near Allen Lake. Apparently getting up early to go fishing in the southern tier has its benefits.
  4. Cool thread. Please tell us what else you don't expect!
  5. Thanks for posting. Fun to watch.
  6. So far I've only heard about Knox's concussion, that's all.
  7. This is where I was as well. Feels good to have my feeling confirmed.
  8. I have a bad feeling about this game.
  9. /\ This reads like one of those sketchy emails that land in your inbox from time to time that have misspellings and a link to click (that you don't click if you know what's good for you.)
  10. This did not surprise me. In fact, nothing that ever happens surprises me. I foresee everything, just choose to not share my foresight with mere mortals. For those of you suspecting that I'm Paul Hamilton in real life, I can understand that thought, but no, I am not.
  11. Now thats a request I'd consider. Well done sir.
  12. When someone opens with "I need...", I immediately think, sorry I can't help you. Are manners really that hard? Ever heard of "please"?
  13. I've tried fighting a ticket based on multiple errors made on the ticket itself. I had the officer lie on the stand, and alter his copy of the ticket before the court date. Who do you think the judge believed? You have a mountain of factors against you. Pay it and move on.
  14. Anyone who's ever been a supervisor or leader knows that you can coach, teach, cajole, incentivize, etc as much as you want, and still not get the proper outcomes. Ultimately the execution is in the pupil/player/employee's hands.
  15. Have you seen the size of his head?
  16. I could have used subtitles.
  17. No. An Ertz signing guarantees that Milano falls off your roster. Too high a cost.
  18. Have had season tickets for 10+ years. Started while living in Houston (to help keep the team in Bflo) and now while living outside of Pittsburgh. Hoping to keep the tradition going when I retire to the southern tier of NY. For me its not an event thing, it's a lifestyle. For me and my family, going to games has meant flying in and staying in hotels, and now that I'm 3 hours away, its an all day commitment and drive. Feels odd to not be on the road right now, headed north to Orchard Park.
  19. Hughes had a bad wrist all last year, I learned recently. I'm interested to see how he does this year.
  20. I've already reported my Wendy's run, in the "Week 1 Home Tailgates" thread. Check it out!
  21. No. I see it as Ford at RG and Williams at RT.
  22. Same as every day - drive thru from Wendy's.
  23. I think this is it. They're sending a message to Singletary not to take his job for granted if he keeps failing to take care of the ball.
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