If I had video editing skills I'd work on that screaming idiot at the car door to visually show all the flying particulates he's hurling at the face of our 3rd corner. What an idiot.
This can be overcome. Make stadium admission dependent upon a ticket + proof of vaccination or antibodies. With this in place, even the politicians can't say game attendance isn't safe.
I've read that the game will be streamed live in the NFL app.
I actually loaded the NFL app today. When you set it up with Bills as your favorite team, they have some nice Bills videos and other content available in there.
Disagree, I think Daboll sees spreading them out, chipping Watt and throwing the ball as the best chance to win - especially if Haden is out. Steelers can't score with us.
I'm a bit skeptical of an analysis-by-snapshot that doesn't incorporate realtime timing/movement of the D nor the prescribed progression sequence that was set up for the QB on each play.
Is there any QB in the league that you couldn't similarly criticize using this method? I doubt it.
What data set or proof of any kind is leading you to this conclusion?
Are you an insider or is your analysis based on the extensive media reporting about his contributions?
Allen spun the ball right in front of the defender and even looked right at the defender immediate after. It was a textbook penalty.
Singletary’s penalty was a joke.