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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. I don't often remember my dreams but last week I dreamed Josh Allen walked up to me and handed me 5 tickets to the Super Bowl. That could happen, right?
  2. To my recollection, the current regime has no history of rushing back injured players.
  3. Sure, but it wasn't like I walked up to his table in a restaurant or anything. Look I'm no VIP but I have been on the field a few times before games and had my kid's picture taken with Kelly and Thurman during separate interactions. George Wilson played catch with my son on the field before a game once. I was on an airplane with Marv once and got a photo with him. All these (mostly) HOFers were very gracious - so the 2 snubs from EWood are notable aberrations. Who said I was mad? I probably should have also mentioned, both times were around 11:45 before a 1:00 kickoff, well before the game or any crowd noise.
  4. On two different GameDays he was walking down the aisle to the field, past my row of seats. I saw him and called out "hi Eric". Both times he ignored me and just kept on walking. Not even a wave, couldn't spare the effort apparently. One time is excusable, twice isn't a coincidence.
  5. Not a big fan of EWood. He big leagued me on two different occasions before games while walking around the stadium. I liked him as a player but I no longer really consider him a Buffalo kind of guy.
  6. I'll be too nervous to eat.
  7. Suspect this is to get Jim to stop calling.
  8. Funny, up on the stage back then he said "it takes everyone", and now on the back of his Bills helmet it says "It takes all of us".
  9. I've read that his regular season salary was being paid by the Texans. That could have had a bearing on the timing.
  10. Exactly - this story hasn't moved forward one iota. Just a lot of rehashing of Aaron Wilson's "expected to" tweet.
  11. The Cold Front report is funny. Aaron Wilson's tweet doesn't say what they think it said.
  12. From reading all his quotes in the article, its hard to believe the Pats* ever signed him. I'll just leave it at that.
  13. Yes. I had a coworker (Eagles fan) in our Philly office text me out of the blue the other day to tell me just that, how FUN the Bills are to watch.
  14. Expecting reflection and analysis from Pats* fans is overestimating their sophistication. Ask them who Steve Grogan or Trevor Matich is, and you'll get blank stares.
  15. Singletary’s time to hit a hole can be timed with a sundial.
  16. I too am concerned about Pats* cheap shots. Why would they suddenly be classy?
  17. Dedicated to.......stupidity? Surely table jumping isn't a measure of dedication to a sports team.
  18. Are you a Yinzer by any chance? They talk like this (leave out "to be").
  19. True, but who else's car did he scream into, sans video? Did he consciously pick out Norman to scream at, knowing he already had COVID? Doubtful. The point is, putting our players at risk like that is stupid and selfish.
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