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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. Stephon, consider tackling once in a while.
  2. I recall that too. The gist of my comments were, if you price me out of seats in between the 30s on a lower level, you won't ever see me in the new stadium.
  3. The disappointing thing about this for me is, it will mean we'll see less of the AFL throwbacks which are all-world in my book.
  4. Interesting that Kim hasn't held any media availabilities about this. I think that signals they're in negotiation mode and keeping things close to the vest.
  5. Actually he caused the Newton fumble that sealed the victory.
  6. Interesting that Kim hasn't held any media availabilities about this. I think that signals they're in negotiation mode and keeping things close to the vest.
  7. Ok thanks. I missed that. Hopefully the Pegs family has gotten all the "diversification" out of their system and they can focus on their core businesses (the teams).
  8. Can you elaborate on the "Pegulas' retreat from downtown hospitality businesses"? Not familiar with what you are referring to.
  9. So where's the rendering? Reports say "partially covered" which implies they have a design concept selected.
  10. /\ The NFL Ticket exchange is open for business!
  11. Final decision is pending resolution of the Peace Bridge and Bass Pro Shop.
  12. My question, will they require proof of vax for those not wearing masks?
  13. Venturing a guess that Star may get ONE football-related question in a sea of COVID questions...
  14. Has Rodgers ever been gruntled?
  15. Good God, OP. You must be bored out of your mind.
  16. Does Jim ever not point in photos? Good to see him looking well.
  17. I'm in my 50's and don't speak Twitter but I'm wondering why nobody's commenting on this. Looks to me like A.J. Brown is upset but I'm not sure.
  18. Interesting point. You could be right.
  19. Not sure about you, but I'm speaking as someone who used to have and pay for club seats. Fact, there was a separate fee shown on the invoice.
  20. The prices for Bills club seats have included a PSL for years now.
  21. Please instruct online sellers as to how to tell which prospective buyers are Bills fans and which are not. Thanks.
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