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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. I was thinking this during the game, especially point #1. The Bills consistently make negative plays or commit penalities - drives with a large number of plays won't end up in scores for this team. I think the Bills have about 40 possessions this year so far and they've scored about 5 TD's. That % won't get it done (obviously).
  2. IF IF IF IF .... That is a big IF and it's all dreaming until we actually pull it off. Here's hoping we do...
  3. But there is no "question", he's a fine young man.
  4. Can you substantiate that charge?
  5. Actually, it's not "RB's" plural. TH is the only back who has consistently slipped this year. Then again, he's the only one being given a chance to slip.
  6. Couldn't agree more! Get your best players on the field please!!!
  7. Ya'll forgot about Willis. IF he was even invited into the room, I'm sure he was thinking, "WTF am I listening to this for? Just give me the damn ball."
  8. Yard Monkey, love your avatar. Keep waiting for that damned ball to stop bouncing & it just doesn't stop.
  9. Man, you win my "Absolutely baseless optimist" award for the week. May God Bless you and our Bills.
  10. He may never again be the same player he was. It's obvious now that it's all about the $$ for him. I predict even if he comes back it won't be for long. The NFL requires constant intensity and he just doesn't have it anymore. I don't think you can turn it off & on with a switch.
  11. Agree. Wasn't targeting you for my sarcasm, I'm just pissed at MM that they're not playing him more, even on short yardage.
  12. Great news! Now I don't have to even accidently listen to the idiot.
  13. This kind of stuff happens every single day to average, decent hard-working people and nobody ever hears about it. Why do people get so worked up when bad things happen to famous people (or brothers-in-law of famous people)?
  14. I agree with John Kerry above (thought he was Navy not Air Force???) Anyway, I want to see McGahee carry the ball.
  15. It's obvious that his attitude was the reason we used our first round pick on him. What a fine young man.
  16. Go Astros!!!!!! They are a great bunch of guys and deserve to win a title.
  17. I'm quite sure the Bills' medical staff is on top of the situation.
  18. Boy, their record must be really dismal for that to happen.
  19. Steve, it's funny (sad actually) when nobody asks which team you are picking to win.
  20. Wow, be real careful about putting TH and gorilla in the same sentence.
  21. Inferior talent has destroyed our homefield advantage far more than reduced seating did. Ironically, the reduced seating was necessary to building more premium seating, the revenue from which is non-shared revenue that theoretically was supposed to make the Bills more financially sound - thus more competitive on the field. Tom Brady said going into the game that the Ralph is still the loudest place to play in the NFL. Didn't have much effect, did it? By the way, who had more false start penalities Sunday, the Bills or the Pats?
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