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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. Is reading comprehension too much to ask? I'm not making this anything. I simply stated my interpretation and asked for others' interpretation. Is it possible that it's not being talked about by the players because Allen is above making an issue of it? Think about this list of players who've been on the field for far more snaps than Coleman without feeling the need to make similar gestures: Knox, Kincaid, Shakir, Cook & Johnson. Diggs and Coleman are in the diva club by themselves.
  2. Agree - its just like Diggs used to do.
  3. Thanks for disagreeing agreeably. I realize it's not as fun as snark.
  4. This is relevant. Josh is magnanimous and of high character and therefore would not let Coleman's (or before that, Diggs') antics become a distraction, but that doesn’t make Coleman's gesture OK.
  5. I think you're building a strawman here. I can say it was a great win, that several players made great plays (including Coleman's nice high point TD), and remain consistent and fully aligned with the observation I made in my original post.
  6. So, opinions aren't welcome here? Despite what our omniscient and well intended mod said above, I'm not a Coleman hater, and my post was not intended to spread Coleman hate. To answer your question, the point of my thread, as I stated, was to see if others agreed with my interpretation of Coleman's gesture as disrespectful. I got my answer (which is genuinely surprising) along with a sizeable portion of TBD-style ridicule (which upon reflection isn't surprising). So be it.
  7. Thanks, this is exactly my point. Quit acting like a football savant when you've done almost nothing yet in your little career.
  8. Well apparently I'm just getting old. I found it disrespectful given that Coleman's done so little and Allen's done so much, but obviously I'm in the minority!
  9. Anyone else notice, after Allen's first target to Coleman in the EZ falls incomplete (at exactly 8:20 of the 1st quarter), Coleman looks back in Allen's direction, points upward and makes (what I interpreted as) a "throw it higher next time" gesture? I was fine with his idea and agree with him, BUT to make that gesture to Allen in front of the home crowd was completely uncalled for and totally unearned at this point in his career. I interpreted this as an arrogant, unaccomplished rookie trying to show up the MVP frontrunner in front of the home crowd, and i don't like it one bit. Am i alone in this opinion or are there different interpretations out there?
  10. By "played around" are you referring to the vanilla game plan, overly conservative inactive decisions or on-field execution?
  11. What facts support your conclusions? The scoreboard?
  12. This. Honestly I had a similar reaction, but what i couldn't understand was how many players were really messed up. Were they shocked that a teammate got injured in a football game? The widespread reaction took me back to Damar's injury, but he almost died so there it made complete sense. Yesterday's injury was nothing like that IMO.
  13. Interesting that you and several others have mentioned his trash talking as a major plus. Curious to know whether you and others who've posted this think trash talking is an important skill. I've never considered that to be important but maybe I'm missing something.
  14. I think the news here is, you played golf with a CADDIE?
  15. Highly relevant observation, that.
  16. Here's where I'm at. As long as a game doesn't come down to a final minute coaching decision, I think this team can beat any team, anywhere, on any day.
  17. Rapp has far more hits on his own DBs than he does receivers.
  18. I've reconsidered my comment and have decided I'm quite comfortable with it.
  19. Not sure what I'm having but I'll use PLASTIC utensils.
  20. Tyrod will always hold a special place in my heart. A few years ago I bought a signed Tyrod football - an official "Duke" ball - from the Bills store for $25 on clearance. I could care less for the autograph, just getting an official NFL ball for $25 was a steal!
  21. So in other words, he's been peccable.
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