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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. Yea, D linemen don't typically "beeline hard" anywhere.
  2. Not sure about the knocks on Knox. Has he dropped a lot of balls? No. Are people upset he may be asked to do more chipping of DEs this year due to our OL issues? I can't see Knox NOT having more of that role tonight with Dawkins out.
  3. 8-3, second best record in the Conference - so OBVIOUSLY you fire the DC. Brilliant! No panic here!
  4. Interesting analysis. So you're asserting either that Dorsey only calls plays that involve 3 different routes for Davis, or that Davis repeatedly ignores the play Dorsey calls and runs his own 3 routes regardless of what Dorsey calls. Think about that. Want to stick with that analysis?
  5. Man I dislike your threads.
  6. So, a suitable topic to bring up. Thanks for the contribution.
  7. Interesting take from many of you. This strikes me as the pot calling the kettle black. TB has the standing to lecture another human about being selfish? That is rich.
  8. Intetesting takeaway. Mine was, and said this during the game, that Duke plays extremely Ssslllooowww. Definitely not worthy of a SB contender.
  9. Does your gut think you are the GM?
  10. How have all you critics already analyzed all of the run blocking assignment footage and reached your conclusions so fast? Or is this thread basically a "no gain on the carry = bad running back" analysis?
  11. Grow up!
  12. All they now have to do is run the ball and win. LOL
  13. Why did Taron go high on that tackle?
  14. Duke Johnson plays so ssssllllloooolowww.
  15. How is it a makeup when the ball was out before ground contact?
  16. Credit that overthrow to Edmunds' height.
  17. I understand how this kind of thinking gets one thru the day, but I hate it. How many years have we read posters say "we're still ok..." only to end the season early. Give me "urgency before the emergency" anyday.
  18. Maybe, but I think it's even more demoralizing to travel to your team's road game only to go down to crushing defeat.
  19. Ha Johnson missed again. His angles are terrible.
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