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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. I disagree. The Bengals reps were in the hallway also, and it's the Bengals who are most upset at the league's seeding proposal, thus (in my opinion) are the ones most likely to be sniping at the league at this point.
  2. Yes, gave a 6 yard cushion on 3rd and 3 for a first down.
  3. Everyone focused on our D. Our O has ONE TD in the half, at home. HELLO?
  4. Would be completely tone deaf for idiots to do something like this today.
  5. Hendrickson must be fined.
  6. In the first half thread someone stated that Mixon was standing over Hamlin laughing at him. Can't confirm that's real.
  7. CBS Elmira showing Colts-Giants. Are ya kidding me?
  8. I've seen YouTube videos of setups, possibly in the Allentown or Elmwood areas, of local bars & restaurants collaborating to create outdoor watch areas for big games. Can anyone tell me where these are held, and what the experience is like, and any contact info if available? What are the cover charges? Thinking of trying it for the AFC Champ game and/or the Super Bowl if we get that far. Side note - I was checking out AirBNBs in Buffalo for Super Bowl week, and the prices are insane - as in, inflated by 5X normal prices. Thanks!
  9. Agree. I'll use any old excuse to wear orange.
  10. Well it is the Jungle.
  11. That aged well.
  12. Why is Santa's right thumb twice as big as his left?
  13. Can we all agree, Allen's putting his MVP hopes above the team? Why else is he so reckless? Thank goodness our running game is bailing him out.
  14. What comfort zone is that? They're 3-11.
  15. Temps aren't nearly as relevant to the passing game as wind speed.
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