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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. Oh baby. I have butterflies in my stomach just reading that.
  2. Yes, that was a head scratcher for me as well.
  3. All valid points. I don't think even Jerome Boger could give you convincing answers to your questions.
  4. You don't "try" Kiko at anything. You deploy him.
  5. You're a stand up guy, Senior Lightning. I'm in with you now.
  6. Awesome news Frank. You're representing many of us on TBD and elsewhere so...no pressure.
  7. Tried donating earlier but the site wasn't accepting donations. I'm in. I don't care that he made a lot of money at one time. He gave his all for us and is NOW hurting badly.
  8. Can you help me understand the Boo Boo reference?
  9. I stated that I thought we'd get an open air facility because I misread HopefulFuture's post a few pages back. I'm somewhat ambivalent about a roofed facility, but as I retire and get into my later years when I'll get to attend more games (hopefully), I'll probably think of a roof as a blessing. Well stated sir.
  10. Agree - he's on the rise, very athletic and a fierce hitter. I like his play a lot.
  11. OP: as others have said, your name says who you are. If you must troll, try being creative about it. Happy Thanksgiving!
  12. The Bills went in a different direction. Their website says Jimbo gets the honor this week.
  13. Speaking from this photo...when the roof is open, Lucas Oil feels like an open air venue. I could live with this. In the end I do think we're going open air. Not sure if you meant this to be funny, but it cracks me up. Utilitarian won't cut WHAT? How much have you pledged to build the new stadium?
  14. Woah baby, that's gonna be a barn burner. Take down the Browns and begin climbing the mountain.
  15. Awesome. Great job to those who worked at the stadium.
  16. Have the haters actually read Albom's work? I can't say I'm a fan of his TV persona, but his novels are excellent.
  17. Yep, Kenny is a good guy. No matter if you meet him at Hammer's or at a road tailgate, he's cool and doesn't act like a celebrity.
  18. I always wondered why so many people call him Pinto Ron when his name is Ken Johnson.
  19. Except that they may be trying to make that day/time happen, but in a different city. Not as easy as you say.
  20. If a payment mechanism is announced, I'll pay up.
  21. Nothing like a heart warming story of underage drinking. LOL
  22. I guess this bodes well for my son and I being able to ski when we come up for the Packers game. Stay safe everyone!
  23. This is incorrect. Nearly all media coverage of the Marrone selection discussed the fact that Whaley, Nix and Brandon comprised the selection panel.
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