JR, I had the same struggles, but opted to guide my son down the path of Bills fandom.
The day my son attended his first Bills game, he was put on the Jumbotron and because I had advance notice that it would happen, snapped a photo of it. (See avatar).
Two years ago, my son and I were throwing a ball in Hammers lot when an NFL Network crew came up to us. We were shown on Rich Eisen's pregame show and I was able to DVR it, then later post it to Youtube.
My son has been on the field a few times and has gotten priceless photos taken with JK, TT, George Wilson and Phil Hansen.
My son's room in Houston is a Bills cave, and soon we'll be moving to PGH so well be attending many more games.
We live and die together on Sundays and while his 15 years have seen a lot of heartbreak, I'm confident that better days are ahead and his suffering will be replaced with joy. All of these experiences have helped develop a strong bond between us. While difficult at times, I wouldnt do it differently in retrospect.