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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. They did, but the personal responsibility option is apparently not very appealing to some. As was stated above, it's repeated year after year that if you don't want to wait, get to the gate early. But some would rather do their own thing then complain when their plan blows up on them.
  2. Jay, thanks to you and the team for another great job. I also liked the different car configuration. I had my kids with me and had to take them to the various sights (RW statue, Bills store and fieldhouse) so I wasn't able to stay long but appreciated everyone's hospitality. Ken, thanks for the stromboli, Jboyst, thanks for the shine. When my wife told me the guy in the kilt looked like Robert DeNiro (no kidding), I knew it was time to get out of there. My only suggestion would be to consider reinstating nametags so it's easier for newcomers to know who's who. I know that takes effort and I'll be there next year to help if needed. I left a cooler of Molson and Labatts for everyone, but when I picked it up after the game it looked untouched - maybe I should have labelled it or something? I'll be back this Sunday so if more contributions are needed for the expense fund, let me know.
  3. Not sure if the OP ever answered the question of when he tried entering. Just take a small amount of personal responsibility and come to the gate early instead of crying about others' failures. I guarantee that will fix the "problem". I did have one issue though, the overofficious security person who wanded me (after my boots set off the alarm at the gate 3 metal detector) insisted that I couldn't bring my tablet into the stadium. I calmly asked to speak to his supervisor, who then set Barney Fife straight.
  4. Sounds good, thanks Flutie. Will bring a ball to throw in the grassy area and your son is welcome to join us. The last time I threw with my son at Hammers, this happened.
  5. Fantastic article, but sickening. Every time NFL reps went to the Pats*** sideline to shut down their equipment, the Steelers headsets mysteriously began working again. Purposely taking advantage of Goodell's lame duck status. Sick.
  6. After reading this I started to cringe at Rex's pregame jab, then realized, I better get used to that. New sheriff in town! LOL
  7. What site do you suggest - weather underground?
  8. Right. The question is, how to show a sufficient level of disdain while not getting yourself kicked out of the stadium.
  9. Squeaky wheel greased? LOL
  10. Yea, wife, son AND daughter this time. This will be our first Bills game all together, yet another reason to be excited. My son and I will be there for the full home schedule this year! Hope you decide to bring your dad. Nothing like Bills football to bring the generations together - and life is short! Are you bringing 'shine again?
  11. The family and I will be by in the AM and I'll be rocking the Kemp 15 jersey with a cooler of Molson Canadian. Debating parking at Hammers but I may need an easy-out spot for the long ride home (recently moved to Pittsburgh). Looking forward to seeing you guys again. Who can I trust to take home a bottle of red to Mead in appreciation for the stromboli? No really....who?
  12. Agreed. When Cassel was cut the media said it was no surprise, although few predicted it. Same true of Cassel coming back.
  13. Could be worse. Mine's a Trent Edwards!
  14. That settles it, looks like I'll be going with my Kemp Jersey.
  15. Anyone get Bills Bucks yet? My rep said it would be before the first game, but that's almost here.
  16. I like it! Would be cool if the chant was loud enough to be commented on by the announcers.
  17. I can't believe people care at all about nicknames.
  18. No sorry, was referring to the Negative one.
  19. /\ My suggestion Neg, consider yourself duped. Hang on to Tim's offhand Twitter comment at your own risk, pending clarification or source identification.
  20. No mystery, just a refection of the fact that we know we have a rogue GM. I kid of course. The only thing that's rogue in Buffalo is the media.
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