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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. Season ticket holder and huge fan here, and I agree with this. Who allowed the receiver to get so open at that stage of the game?
  2. Looked 3 different times on my son's PS3, Yahoo is nowhere to be found there for downloading.
  3. So it WILL be on Yahoo Screen? I've heard conflicting things on that. Bought a Roku stick and looked thru Screen some, looks like garbage to me and its not clear how to even find something I might want to watch there such as, I don't know, the Bills game?
  4. Anyone have a Roku stick and know how to watch Sunday? Yahoo's Roku directions say to pull up Yahoo from the web streaming category on the Roku home screen, but my stick doesn't even show a web streaming category. I did load the Yahoo Screen app but I'm not sure if that will show the game come Sunday.
  5. Considering a choice between Cassel, Tyrod and EJ, it took ZERO guts, insight or football knowledge to pick Cassel over the other two. Cassel's the one with the best track record (albeit well back in the rear view mirror), Picking Cassel gives you the most room to say, "see I told you so".
  6. Very cool. Congrats!
  7. Can't stand JW on the air but I must admit, his all-22 breakdowns are very good.
  8. Ya think? On Sunday he mistook Manny Lawson from Mario Williams and he should know better. I never hear his Bills bias - if anything, he leans the other way. Now Criqui on the other hand, he always seemed to enjoy it when the Bills did well.
  9. I'm not laughing. Not sold on TT at all, YET, except that he's great when he steps up in the pocket and gets into the open field.
  10. Our running game will be ugly, unless Percy's jet sweep comes out of the bag this week.
  11. Good point. Sammy was straight ballin last year and never said a word through his rib and hip injuries.
  12. I agree. It's fun to focus on the multi-million dollar DL as the shiny object. Articles about not playing complimentary football don't generate as many clicks.
  13. Good questions. Not clear about the timing of the interview. As I think about it, there may have been snow in the background. But the feature itself included a voice over from Glor stating the Bills were 2-2 (that doesn't really mean anything).
  14. But....Timmah was so "eloquent". Spoiler alert - NOT. At one point Tim said something I can't type on here, and Glor's eyes lit up like, "did you really just say that on camera"?
  15. It was a nice feature, complementary to the Pegulas and sympathetic to the plight of Buffalo sports fans (wide right and no goal were chronicled). But when asked what else the team needs, Kim's response of "QB" was, I thought, a bit of a misstep (even though I might agree).
  16. I have no link to support this, but I seem to recall some comments from Rex at the time of his hiring that the Pegulas DID open the bank a bit to help attract an All-star coaching staff to Bflo. I'm thinking that Roman already was paid some type of premium to take this OC job, maybe in recognition of the fact that he interviewed for the HC job himself.
  17. Great post. Certainly clarifies why the decision was made. And a good sign that Whaley does the right thing rather than HIS (rogue) thing.
  18. I wouldn't equate a lack of news with inaction.
  19. Rain now out of the forecast, per Accuweather. Sorry if already posted.
  20. I like the idea of questioning the assumption that you try to avoid getting flagged. Questioning assumptions leads to innovation, which is the essence of what Bellichick does. The problem is, if this plan were implemented, after about the 5th straight defensive holding flag the refs would call 15 yarders for unsportsmanlike conduct. Gotta protect the Pats*.
  21. May be a last minute decision for me and my crew as far as where we park. Need quick exit for long drive home. Two weeks ago the ECC lot worked well for us. Thanks for posting this. TBD at corner of Hammers each week is a great idea.
  22. The rumor being...?
  23. Didn't know Victor Cruz was out for Sunday until Francesa lead the interview with it.
  24. No sarcasm intended, sorry you took it that way. Was just curious how you felt about Darby. I understand your point of view on DBs sometimes being fool's gold. But not having good ones can leave gaping holes and can get you beat in a hurry. As for what I personally subscribe to, I'm not smart enough or haven't studied it enough to have my own "drafting philosophy". Fortunately these days I'm able to just trust our front office then buckle in every Sunday.
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