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Everything posted by Whatnot78

  1. I know it’s hard for you to understand. Why is a peace deal that may bring troops home and possibly save billions a bad thing? There are terrorists all over the globe. And several of the 9-11 terrorists were Saudi, so we probably should not be peaceful with them too, right?
  2. Trump is terrible at this WWIII stuff. Outrage from the left when Soleimani is killed, outrage when a peace treaty is reached. The only consistent side they pick is to hate Trump. Rinse. Repeat.
  3. Yup, I heard about the case in CA...also about flights in JFK not screening incoming passengers from China. All involved in this can do better. I’m not downplaying that. I’m just refuting you’re point about CDC funding cuts not being accurate
  4. Furthermore, it looks like after you followed the MSM line, which was proven false by the MSM, you found something else to hang onto to try and “win” your argument. Rather than gracefully accepting you were wrong (to believe 2 politicians vying for the Presidency, which is understandable).
  5. You said “cut funding”. If you said “eliminated an office”, we wouldn’t be having this back and forth
  6. Why in the heck would I admit anything when you won’t even admit that your previous statement was wrong? And you want to talk about the grown ups in the room...talk about irony.
  7. Not true...according to the AP... https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/homenews/media/485025-ap-fact-checkers-find-biden-bloomberg-paint-distorted-picture-on-trump-cdc%3famp He proposed budget cuts to the CDC but Congress (with both R and D support) increased their funding. And Trump signed those spending bills. If he really wanted to cut, he could have vetoed the budget
  8. I'll post a link describing, not the actual video... https://www.newsweek.com/bernie-sanders-interrupted-topless-female-anti-dairy-protesters-campaign-event-second-day-row-1487882
  9. in NY he'd be out on bail
  10. Between this and NYs bail reform law it's like The Purge...except it doesn't last only one day
  11. Ugh...still another year and a half until the next gubernatorial election ?
  12. That map needs to expand a little further east...my county doesn't want to stay while everyone else gets to go!
  13. If you try, you'll be impeached...
  14. Sounds like China needs to fill out this report
  15. As you said, it's your opinion. And in my opinion, many in the Senate don't want to do the job that the House was supposed to do.
  16. "...for years to come" How the f do you know that?
  17. A+ for the Uncle Buck reference
  18. May have been Rex Ryan
  19. I see bribery and quid pro quo are no longer the choice words...
  20. Sending Biden on vacation is just to prevent him from sucking on fingers and talking about kids rubbing his legs in the pool
  21. If she was a good Catholic she would know about resentment... "Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you" (Ephesians 4:31,32).
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