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Everything posted by Mark92

  1. Rams in LA would be awful. I mean it's the Super Bowl so it would be amazing and I would cry but you get it. 😂
  2. That's the worst coverage I have ever seen. They caught up to Kupp and then let him split them.
  3. Burrow taking our shot at a home Championship Game away.
  4. Their O line is awful. Like one of the worst in the NFL. Makes you wonder what Burrow will do when he has time.
  6. Looking at the tv slots for next weekend. Fox had the Early Saturday game. CBS has Saturday night and early Sunday. NBC has late Sunday. We know Tampa Bay on NBC Sunday night because of the Monday night game and CBS has a deal with the AFC from here on out. Then Fox will get GB vs SF early Saturday. So Bills vs Chiefs is which ever slot NFL wants. Either late Saturday or Early Sunday.
  7. They get too cute sometimes. If they just played football they would be as dangerous as ever.
  8. I've sprained my AC joint before. Pretty sure there are different grades of the sprain. Mine didn't allow me to carry or lift anything for 2 months. Hopefully his isn't that bad.
  9. What a crazy game
  10. I'm a golf course superintendent in Vermont. I imagine they will do exactly what the Packers did. It will be a heated sand base that will be fiber threads all through it to keep the sand layer together. They will have also have larger grow lights that help with the lack of sun hours during the winter months. It will be a full time job to keep that grass looking great. Would love to be part of that team.
  11. 1st: Bills 10 - Pats 3 2nd: Bills 3 - Pats 3 3rd: Bills 0 - Pats 7 4th: Bills 14 - Pats 3 BUFFALO -27 NEW ENGLAND -16
  12. How about CAN'T STOP THE RUN
  13. No doubt. I'm pretty sure the bills can spring for heated socks for their $300 Million Man.
  14. Western NY has weather that changes daily. It's part of living in the region and part of being a Bills fan. This isn't California.
  15. I don't understand this line of thinking. It's Buffalo in January, it's going to be cold. We should be grateful the Bills are good enough to be hosting a playoff game. Do we not remember how miserable the drought was?
  16. I can't believe how many people are bitching about the weather. It's Buffalo in January, it's going to be cold. It's the f@#$king playoffs at home.
  17. https://twitter.com/FredKilmartin80/status/1343016125576179713?t=yTpeB5NBT4eY4mVSdSnb0g&s=19
  18. OK "pal" 🙄, where did I mention the Georgia law? I'll wait for my beer on that one. Here is the the law in TEXAS that I was referring to. Sorry to make you actually read it. It kind of long and totally contradicts Facebook so that might be triggering to you. So be prepared to have an epic lib owning response 😘. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://legiscan.com/TX/text/SB1/2021/X1&ved=2ahUKEwjk9oPSoK_yAhV9_rsIHR62DFAQFnoECAYQAQ&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw1aBPC2ru4PyvI-_mEqlgCM
  19. So closing voting locations in urban neighborhoods, closing polling locations earlier in the day, limiting major cities to only one ballot drop box, cutting back the amount of time you have to vote early is helping? Let's not forget the new law in Texas where the GOP run legislature can toss out the will of the people and pick a winner. You do realize that democrats, independents and the GQP want voter ID laws right?
  20. So illegally entering the United States Capital building doesn't make them traitors? This wasnt their next door neighbors house they walked into it was the United States Capital while others were beating police and yelling things like hang mike pence. They knew better. It makes them an accomplice to insurrection, is that better?
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