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Everything posted by Devilmann

  1. With that salary and garbage play that’s a hard pass but I’m sure someone will do it in a desperate attempt to save their job.
  2. I will counter this with see all the crap qb’s for what 20 years we had before Allen. Yeah no thanks I’ll stick to what works for the first time in what feels like forever. ehh I hate this day I forget about it every year.
  3. We can’t fix the “source”. We can only fix what we can control which is the border itself. Biden is pissing on us all and saying it’s just rain.
  4. Beane brought this up during the podcast with Sherman and Collinsworth. Basically the coaches can’t be hired until after their playoff run is finished and most teams had hired their new coaches before the Super Bowl. The organization was helping Daboll and Frazier prepare for their interviews during the playoffs. Beane said he felt it was a little unfair they couldn’t get hired until their playoff run was done and most organizations don’t want to wait to long to bring their new coaches so they can get started as soon as possible.
  5. Knox for me. I’ve seen him drop to many with those stone hands but Singletary is a close second.
  6. I hate all the emojis especially when the Bills app goes off and it’s full of them. I don’t speak emoji.
  7. Wish Allen was out there with him.
  8. Ok seems there are some errors so time to move on.
  9. What’s to think about? You take the trophy any time you can.
  10. Pick six is interception that is run back for a TD
  11. Time to run it a little since you have to keep the defense honest.
  12. Come on offense it’s time for the DOUBLE DIP!!!
  13. They need to give Allen some headphones with Sinatra playing to calm him down. Daball call a run play
  14. Offense better get it together. We got 2 gifts from Tucker which never happens. Come on Allen!!
  15. Offense needs to hit another gear and start scoring points now
  16. Luckily I’ll be at work all night so I get to sleep most of the day and then when I wake up unfortunately I’ll probably be playing Barbie or some other girlie stuff with my 5 year old till the game starts.
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