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Everything posted by BruceVilanch

  1. I grew up on that soap opera! Jokes aside I think it's great we have national media dudes who love our team, it will help younger people outside of buffalo become bills fans, I'm from Oregon and have no connection to buffalo, but I started loving them because of Chris Berman always talking about the bills circling the wagon when I was little and now I've followed the team for over 30 years.
  2. By any chance were you part of the Washington football teams management when they trotted rg3 out on 1 leg?
  3. Weren't they like 8-1 at the mid point? I thought they didn't fall off until the tail end, but I might be mistaken. I agree though, they limped into the playoffs and Kyler looked BAD. Mine was probably the chargers, I thought Herbert would get them to at least the divisional round, I think Staley might reconsider all his "F it go for it from our own 18" attitude. and maybe, sometimes a tie is ok if it gets your team into the tourney. I was never sold on Cleveland because I think baker is on the same level as Mac Jones.
  4. Man, I didn't see the dates and I thought Staley got fired
  5. Awww, baby Bill looks a bit Colicky.
  6. Haven't read all the responses, so I'm sure I'm repeating others, but KCs D is playing much better, but I think the biggest difference is we actually have a running game that you have to gamelan against. Should be a great game.
  7. I switched to using locker #17 at my gym after the buccaneers game and we haven't lost since.
  8. That's the best quarterback performance I've seen.... Ever.
  9. didn't they spy him the entire second game? Also have you heard any word from your area about Wynn?
  10. Everyone on the Dolphins already calls him that.
  11. I look forward each week to him being on the show, always entertaining and makes cardio tolerable.
  12. as long as he doesn't have slow eyes!
  13. This is my nightmare scenario, I am Admin on duty that night and I start at 1700 PT.
  14. Customer data is the biggest commodity right now.
  15. my comp was Chad Pennington lite.
  16. He's got a 45 million dollar dead cap hit, no reason for Minn to move on from him.
  17. Don't fail me now PEMDAS!
  18. I think we were less efficient as a team this year in general
  19. I hope not, he is awful
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