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Everything posted by TheWeatherMan

  1. Not what I’m seeing. The LE band in North of Buffalo. I don’t see the gradient flow shifting 30-40 degrees easterly over the next 1-2 hours.
  2. I think it’s super tacky for 40+ year old men who wear diamond earrings. I expect personal style to be a little more refined by that point of your life.
  3. He had #17 wide open steaming across the EZ as well.
  4. Who else’s butt puckered when the clock hit zero?
  5. If the Bills could catch, would JA be the leading MVP candidate?
  6. If Leonard and Sheldon had a baby this would be the result.
  7. This defense looks awful. Can’t cover, can’t tackle, can’t do anything.
  8. If I’m a dolphins fan I’m throwing snow balls galore.
  9. Dolphins coach crying about snowballs due to safety concerns. Where were those safety concerns when the Bills were getting blasted by a 130 degree heat index?
  10. Great play call on 2nd and goal. 1st and goal I’m completely confused on.
  11. Here comes the genius offensive play calling. 1st -3 2nd +1 3rd: dead ball -5 3rd: 25 yards
  12. The observed warmer temps should give way to cooler as we move into the La Niña cycle starting next year. Cooler temps inhibit LE snow for more reasons than just the instability associated with temperature differential. With Lake Eerie being super shallow, once it starts to freeze (which hasn’t happened yet this year) it will reduce fetch and obviously cutoff the supply of moisture feeding the LE snow machine. LE bands coming off Ontario and impacting Buffalo, OP is rare. Hopefully temps cool soon, and Eerie begins to freeze before playoff football begins.
  13. For the education and professional experience level it takes to work for the NWS, the employees get paid peanuts. Maybe when I’m 60 and already sitting on another pension I’ll consider working for the NWS. Otherwise they can keep their $80K per year GS-12 job that requires a Graduate or Doctorate level degree plus 4-6 years operational experience. 🤮
  14. Forecasting the exact placement of a LE snow band days in advance is why the general public loses confidence in meteorologists ability to accurately forecast. Stating that there’s a good probability for a LE event based on 925mb-850mb wind flow and the size of the fetch across Lake Eerie is one thing. Attempting to claim that any numerical model or you as a forecaster massaging that model have any clue as to where that LE band will sit / meander for a given period of time and to the point they’re willing to assign accumulation ranges for point locations is beyond insane. I would equally place as much confidence into the Farmers Almanac this far out. There’s a reason why LE snowfall band placement and snowfall accumulation is one of the hardest phenomenon to predict, a subtle 1 degree change in wind direction can determine if you get 3 feet or 1 inch of snow. I’m not trying to shoot the messenger, but this appears as a desperate attempt by the BUF NWS office to maintain relevancy.
  15. It’s so evident this Bills team is soft serve. I mean, they only have a top 10 SoS, and roughly 70% of week 1 starters sustained injuries that incurred missed games, and to boot their MVP has played hurt 4 of the last 5 weeks and yet they are still 10-3. What a pathetic record, this soft ass flaccid excuse for a team has completely quit on Buffalo. - Delusional Bills Fans
  16. Based on this post I’d put the probability of you ever having multiple girlfriends to break up with at about the same percentage as Pegs reconsidering to a dome. Quite frankly, you probably haven't had a PoA since your finger breached the toilet paper.
  17. Since Andrew Luck retired?
  18. What if he did? Ask yourself that!
  19. Future looks potentially bright but currently ineffective. 5
  20. And a dingus for an OC who has the best QB in the league with the 3rd best WR in league and still sputters on offense. For example, Q Williams goes down and we do nothing to exploit it. Settling for FGs would have cost us the game against a Mike White with ribs. I guess he is who he is, a first year OC.
  21. Wise advice from a master debater.
  22. Romo for 2023 OC.
  23. Chiefs are on a bye week this week. Denver in unwatchable.
  24. McKenzie should not be allowed on the field for 3rd or 4th down.
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