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Everything posted by TheWeatherMan

  1. Be lucky to get a 5th for him. Wrong side of 30 years old with a big cap hit. They got him by trading Houston a 2020 2nd 2021 4th and a broken RB on an awful contract.
  2. #1 I would not describe military members as ordinary people. #2 Athletes do not pay plenty. When someone making less than $20K per year (working poor) is paying a higher income/tax percentage than an athlete or politician who is making millions I would not say they pay plenty or their share. You speak in absolutes but can’t back this up with any data points. Look at all these players lining up to play for the Texans and Jaguars because of state tax free salary! In fact the Jags had to drastically overpay every 2022 FA because they suck.
  3. I’m not sure how you pulled this question out of my statement. Nothing written indicates either. Do I think someone making 20K a year has to pay a thousand plus dollars while billionaires pay nothing is acceptable? No…no I do not. Haha, please explain. You do realize there is no flat tax correct? Under the new tax codes only upper middle class and rich itemize while everyone else takes the standard deduction. Just Google: Rich people who didn’t pay taxes in 2021.
  4. This would be true only if rich people didn’t have tax professionals on their payroll who know how to exploit the code to where they pay less tax than an E-1 in the military. No I’m not kidding. My active duty Navy cousin paid $1,300 to the federal government and $600 to the state.
  5. I hope he does get 17-20 and it’s not with the Bills. If Poyer signs a monster deal we could be sitting pretty next year with comp picks.
  6. Agree, the raiders were loaded on the offensive side of the ball and they still sucked. I pray Carr goes to the Jests for $35M per
  7. He’s one of the few downgrades out there to Frazier. Rex absolutely ruined our defense when he was hired.
  8. He will be a Bill in 2024 only if he plays for the Panthers in 2023.
  9. Trade McD and our #1 for McV, fire both coordinators and let McV start fresh.
  10. So the WR coach is the whipping boy for the Hodges debacle? I’m sure the next coach will be promoted from within like the towel boy or someone else very unqualified but liked by McD.
  11. So which former Carolina Panther becomes our next WR coach Ricky Proehl, Lance Taylor, or Jim Hostler?
  12. Don’t just look at the teams we lost too, look at all playoff opponents, it gets worse. 2020 Texans (22 points all in the second half), 2021 Colts (472/24). Of all the playoff games the last 4 years the defense has had 2 solid showings (Pats 2022, Ravens 2021) while the the others have been DC pink slip worthy including the Dolphins game this year. Conservatism does not win you football games.
  13. I live in Napoli, just spent the holidays in the Dolomites.
  14. The fact that this formula has the 2022 Jets draft class as 9 makes me think it’s pretty flawed. They had the top class with Seattle slightly behind.
  15. Yet Kraft is always Rogers #1 ally come owners meetings and even invites him to his wedding? Sorry, doesn’t pass the sniff test.
  16. You take the long term continuity with the best QB in NFL history, willing to take a major discount, and the best coaching staff in the NFL, sprinkle in some questionable tactics to exploit the rules to gain a competitive advantage and finally fold in a commissioner that’s in your owners pockets and you got yourself a recipe for long term success in the NFL.
  17. Looks like McD and company will be saving us plenty of coin.
  18. I honestly don’t care who wins this game so I’m watching this from a very neutral posture. That being said, these refs are completely and blatantly ball washing the Eagles.
  19. Lol how was that not a hold as well? Refs boning the 49ers this game.
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