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Everything posted by TheWeatherMan

  1. Mahomes wants a flag on every play. He would hate playing for Buffalo.
  2. And they are playing on grass unlike that bs the Bills played on.
  3. Miami’s last 3 games are rough. But yeah, a good stretch of crap teams coming up.
  4. As of now we have the tie breaker, play them one more game and they just lost Waddle (maybe).
  5. I’m cheering for Phins. They stink, and I want the Bills to have a shot at the #1 seed / bye
  6. They aren’t playing a team that’s been in Germany for 2.5 weeks
  7. Watching Mahomes jump and skip around like a little girl who just got a pony for her 7th birthday makes me want to puke 🤮
  8. I’m thinking he will be tagged. Bears have a ton of cap space.
  9. Some teams want to win championships, some teams want to continually make the playoffs.
  10. Yeah the 3rd and 4th and goal from the 1 play calls were exceptional. Also big fan of that Diggs 1 yard out play that has gained 10 yards on 10 tries. He had 4 chances to go up 3 scores and put up 0 points in the 4th. That…is not good.
  11. My takeaway: Coaching on both sides of the ball is still a problem.
  12. I think I lost even more confidence in this coaching staff even with the W. We suck at closing games out.
  13. We have to lead the league in dropped interceptions. Our DB’s and LB’s have hands like Knox.
  14. That was Offside, but still a dumb play to snap that
  15. Illegal contact, pass interference, hands to the face…something for Christ sakes
  16. Harty looks absolutely electric with the ball in his hands. By far our best returner…I wish he was utilized on offense.
  17. This team is really good…at finding ways to lose.
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