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Everything posted by ComradeKayAdams

  1. Paging Harvey Johnson...
  2. 1987: strike year....Kelly and then 3 scrubs starting 1 game each at QB due to the strike. 1960, 1961: first two years of the AFL...completely different expectations in terms of how to secure quality QB's on the market as well as how the position was played/scouted etc... 1968: longstanding franchise QB suddenly goes down in practice, 2 weeks before the season begins...3 more QB's (Flores, Darragh, and Stephenson) get injured....4 in total. 2018: epic mismanagement of the QB situation beyond the injuries to Allen and Anderson. Getting rid of Taylor without a suitable replacement, trading McCarron, forcing Allen into a starting role a full year before he's ready, throwing Anderson and Barkely onto the field days after picking them off the streets....all of these bad decisions stem from the singular fact that McDermott completely overestimated Peterman's abilities as an NFL QB. My speculation is that there was some favoritism going on because they both believe in the same invisible space God.
  3. My best summary of Nate Peterman is that he has the arm of Chad Pennington and the self-confidence of Brett Favre. This combination leads to a lot of turnovers and bad decisions with the ball.
  4. This is the 5th time in franchise history that 4 or more players started the season at QB: 1960 and 1961 before they found Kemp, 1968 when Kemp was injured in preseason and out for the year, 1987 during the strike year, and now 2018. The other four seasons had better excuses. This one is just sad and is due to McDermott's hard-on for fellow Jesus freak, Nate Peterman.
  5. You've seen the 1993 movie, Rookie of the Year, right? Josh will be fine...maybe even better.
  6. Then that makes me the Brett Favre of BillsMafia.
  7. Bilal Chaudhry of Schenectady, NY? Not a very bright guy. All of his contact info can be easily found online. Facebook, phone number, home address, etc...
  8. Easy there, buddy. That was my magnum opus. Let me have this one.
  9. Other than the Super Bowl years and Chan Gailey's time here, I don't think we have ever had a passing game that could be described as "lethal" or "innovative." This has been a common theme for almost the entire existence of this wretched franchise: attempt to build a strong defense, have a great running game, control the clock, and don't worry so much about the passing game because the WNY weather - for some not-quite-so-sensical reason - is too cold/windy/snowy/rainy for that... This theme began on day 1 with Buster Ramsey under Ralph's directive, continued twice with Lou Saban, again with Ground Chuck, took a hiatus because of Kelly, and then continued through The Great Drought with a long string of former DC's-turned-HC's like Phillips, Williams, Jauron, Ryan, and now McDermott. Even Mularkey and Marrone focused on run-oriented offenses and solid defenses first despite having backgrounds on offense. An innovative offensive mind at HC and OC would certainly be able to do a lot more with this current squad than McDermott and Daboll. For example, how about using McCoy and Ivory at the same time? More 2-TE formations? Screens? Etc.?
  10. I knew this thread would be worth clicking on....
  11. Come on, BillsMafia. This is pretty childish behavior, even by my standards.
  12. Exactly. When you look at the state of our offense and the expected free agent list for 2019, I can't imagine the Bills going anywhere other than OT for the first round draft pick.
  13. And also throw adult toys onto the field. Don't forget the yeoman's job that we do.
  14. He was indeed a very inspirational fan for many of us.
  15. Well, I did my part Monday night. I sure wish McDermott and his boys had done their part.
  16. As far as this season goes, today was my final straw and I will no longer be dedicating time or money to watch McDermott's garbage in 2018. Next year? Depends. I have to see what gets upgraded during the off-season. As far as being a Buffalo Bills fan? My final straw is when I'm six feet under.
  17. This tells me that McDermott finally lost the locker room. I doubt he wins them back again. He will most likely be fired in 14 months.
  18. His name is Rebel101, not EnglishLanguageConformist101.
  19. The man has 21 rushing attempts all season. 7 per game. Shouldn't we assemble a larger data set before declaring his career over? Also, he's playing on an offense with an historically bad WR corps, maybe the worst OL in the league without Woods and Incognito, a rookie QB from the Mountain West Conference, a chronically underperforming TE in Clay, and a coaching staff who thought Nathan Peterman could be a quality NFL QB. McCoy is one of the last people right now that I'm going to blame for the offensive woes. Maybe I'll revisit this topic in another month, but not now.
  20. Leif Larsen the polar bear wrestler! Wow, what a name drop for Buffalo Bills trivia enthusiasts! He's the guy we picked at #194 in the 2000 NFL draft because he was super strong, despite not having demonstrated any other skills or any talent for the game of football. Five picks later, the Patriots selected Tom Brady.
  21. Robb Riddick is the cousin of Will Lewis, who is Ryan's father. Both Robb and Will went to Millersville University in PA. Ryan Lewis went to Pitt, so it looks like that whole family is from Pennsylvania. I think Ryan Lewis has the potential to be our next Jabari Greer...that is, an undrafted free agent CB who can be a solid NFL starter.
  22. That ain't nothing, bro. Do you even tattoo, bro? I have a whole sleeve of Buffalo Bills franchise QB hopefuls on my right arm: EJ, Tyrod, Fitz, Trentative, Losman, Bledsoe, RJ, and Todd Collins. And my left arm is wicked old school with Vince Ferragamo, Dennis Shaw, and Richie Lucas.
  23. If the Bills weren't such an historically inept franchise - punctuated by the 17-year playoff drought that killed an entire generation of potential fans - then I'd say that "Bills territory" would probably encompass all of New York state north and west of Putnam and Rockland Counties.
  24. Okay, but remember that this defense last fall finished 26th in yards allowed per game, 18th in points given up per game, and 3rd from last in the league in sacks. There is still a long way to go before we can be considered top 5-10 and "elite." We all seem to acknowledge that the LB unit could use one more quality starter (from the post-June 1 cuts?), that the DB's are looking great, and that the DL has good depth. Where I may disagree with others is probably in my assessment of the starting front 4. Hughes-Lotulelei-Williams-Murphy looks pretty mediocre to me (on paper). My biggest beef is with Hughes, whom I believe to be a mentally deficient clown that will never again reach 10 sacks in a year and will be off the roster by next January.
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