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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Guessing you would know this, are Vampires vegan?
  2. I was referring to the BN, remember it well when they set out to claim the morning glory of newspapers and their pride when they became the unopposed local info print darlings.
  3. Yeah, the brass there was an arrogant, elitist bunch, they were proud of their sinking of the Courier-Express. Just desserts included in their Happy Meal.
  4. Just to follow up on my BN e-edition subscription attempt saga. Tried again this morning to enroll online to no avail. Called then at 9:30, on hold 15 minutes, then hung up, waited a few, tried again, after 10 minutes a prompt to leave my #. Twenty minutes ago, 11:53, phone rings, call from Iowa, a nonsense call likely, but thought, could it be the BN? Answered, it was. Call center clearly, but, my perseverance was rewarded, got a year ‘script for $26. UPDATE: At 12:04 got an email from BN, just read it, 1:15. Submitted me into a 90 day introductory subscription for $26, a plan that is nowhere to be found anywhere online. …..unreal. And they’re closed for the day.
  5. Like dinosaurs, radio, local and national broadcast TV and print media, are going extinct.
  6. The thought of two inexperienced sophomore starting DB’s and waiting to see where Hyde and White fill me with…..hope?
  7. Won’t regret it, bit of surprises, in that so few did so much and with no fanfare.
  8. If you love the old stuff or not, a worthwhile watch. One of the legends is a Niagara Falls native. Have watched numerous times. Believe full movie w/ads, is available on YouTube. Is on Peacock presently.
  9. BN bombard me to subscribe for the E edition, so I decided to go ahead a few days back for a $45 for the year. I never have had it, I stopped home delivery 3 yrs. ago. Could not do it online. Tried repeatedly, I had 5 offers alone last week, none would allow me to enroll in them and that I needed to call. So, I call and that office closed at one. So I’m like okay, try tomorrow. That night I get NYT offer, full site access and The Atlantic, for $65 for 1 year. Done deal. Took minutes to be enrolled in both. But, my guilt and sense of Buffalo loyalty got me, I’ll call/try, email, Mon., probably have to leave a message and wait a few days to hear back.
  10. Reminds me of when the morning newspaper never had west coast final scores because they went to press before games ended. Now, It’s because the presses aren’t running.
  11. The NHL cannot figure out how to become more appealing beyond adding franchises. Bettman gets credit for this being how to grow the game during his 30 year tenure, but it sure seems it’s further in the rear view mirror from the NFL,NBA and MLB and the players earnings are escrowed at 17%. That’s a chunk they never see on top of taxes. A Gretzky type media boon was a one time thing. It won’t be replicated no matter what.
  12. Saved and survived, no doubt. Lots of hands helped him do that. A miraculous blessing, I dare say, for Mr. Hamlin.
  13. The American sports nation was captivated by O.J.’s pursuit of the 2000 yard barrier being attained. It was “Ruthesque”. Hasek’s was Herculean, not many outside of NHL were aware of his uniqueness.
  14. My 1st reaction upon see the thread listing was, Musicals.
  15. Hasek was “eerie” good. ‘73 O.J. was a spectacle. Tough to backseat either. The other impressives do not dazzle me as much.
  16. Have the NBA and MLB stream services. Enjoy them both, even if all that is on late is Lakers or Dodgers.
  17. He acted as a professional player, and person, here in a time not so good offensively, and still produced. Good for him that he’s a young wealthy man.
  18. Laughing now, but the op is probably digging to scoop everyone in here on the real dirt, like his deleted scurrilous Jim Kelly thread.
  19. The op’s delightful making light of beloved Buffalo Bill Jim Kelly thread deleted? Why ? It was folksy, enlightening, yet sensitive. …..it is not like Jim Kelly has suffered through any real strife in his personal life. If you’re wondering, message the op, surely he’s miffed why his brilliance was denied to be seen by more and feels it’s share worthy since he posted it with nothing but good intentions.
  20. I never thought he looked in as good of shape compared to many QB’s. …..but, yeah he was good. And likely be in the booth when he is done.
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