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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. If ever you’re there, the clown population goes up.
  2. You’d work for nothing in here. Yes, you do work at your TBD crafting.
  3. Not a fan of this…..I mean, c’mon, Cobain is rarified air, in my grunge opinion. But do appreciate and respect your efforts. 👍
  4. Again, glad you’re are happy with the care now offered by Uncle Sam. I to, am glad that this country has, in spite of the maladies of the times, able to confront health woes for its growing constituents. Glad to hear your neighbor is fully recovered from cancer. My wife went through a cancer bout, ‘17-‘20, I can’t compare it as a then and now health care issue and hoping I never do. I only have my comparable issues, which I previously cited.
  5. Consider yourself fortunate. Are you implying my pov is BS?
  6. No, I don’t know, but, it is true, more people are covered, OK, let’s start with that. I am now on Medicare, and being treated for my annoyances that we’re covered previously not by Medicare. My last two hospital stays, I was given the bums rush out the door to deal with post care. Before Medicare, in hospital post care was thorough, on Medicare, I had to venture out, while still ailing with post op issues. That and other things, made it a dog chasing its tail post treatment. If that, to you, legitimizes blowing smoke up those you believe who are now properly leading the way to care for all, then there’s nothing I could further add to maybe make you reconsider “more are better” with the changes made by your favorite folks leading the way.
  7. Care to elaborate or validate why you imagine this?
  8. Well, whatever the case, Albany is a fun town, been to many Dl hockey tournaments there going back well over two decades. They always did a good job being hospitable.
  9. Like the optimism, but not sure of the feasibility. Before this season, were one to project that McBeane would have to address so much for ‘23, most would have scoffed. Wasn’t keen on them until JA17 started wowing, but now feel they deserve to be entrusted
  10. It’s a no brainer it’s worse due to Covid. Trying to stay healthy is imperative, now more than ever. My hospital stays of recent were unlike my many previous to the outbreak.
  11. Respect that. Unfortunately, her ilk want to hide behind her social issue crusade as being foremost, rather than consider her City and societal demising ideology. In their view, ruinous influence should only be applicable to her opposers.
  12. Are you glad she didn’t have another chance at Chicago?
  13. That Lightfoot lovers are hangin in there to this very minute, defending her charade, is almost comical, if it wasn’t so pathetic and damaging. That it mirrors their obsessive, continued vilifying and broad stroke painting of the scoundrel Trumpites, they hemorrhage about and will do forever, is irrelevant to them. They are incapable of self awareness as much, if not more, than those they seek to destroy.
  14. Who you kidding, you and your cohorts would drink it like it’s an empowering nectar from the Gods.
  15. Similar to what happened to my kid’s friend at around the same age. Seemed like a decent kid from a sound family. He did two years. Lifes and families ruined forever. That there are those who can mock the situation is typical.
  16. I worked two jobs during the Jeter era and rarely watched sports. I’m making up for it now. I was not aware of Jeter’s at bat antics, but upon further review, you are right.
  17. Were Gabe Davis to hit the open market this offseason, he’d be a much richer man soon.
  18. The Snyder pursuers now have another reason for pounding NFL doors for more skeletons in their closet and more emboldened to suspect the NFL is still throwing shade on Snyder. Not the way to stay in good graces with the D.C. bunch bothered by the NFL’s above the law notion.
  19. a. offensive tackle b. overtime c. occupational therapy d. all the above
  20. …..not that I remember this play, but Bills newspaper pics in the mid ‘60’s were an impetus towards my fandom.
  21. Saban/Alabama mastery irritates. Reminds me of that old guy who recently retired who kept winning SB’s. People crave something to loathe.
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