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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. “It would give me, as President, a new emergency authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed “ …..so far nothing.
  2. At least this story won’t get in the way of msm’s reporting what else is going on in the country and world. Who’d want a bunch of news outlets obsessing over the same story 24/7. 😏
  3. UNRWA is the only UN organization responsible for one select group of refugees, it was “ordained” 60 yrs. ago. Hmm…..
  4. It has long been known….and ignored. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/terror-attacks-on-israel_b_930141
  5. Joe working with a U.S. and Israel hating, Hamas supporting Khomeini henchmen.
  6. Was referring to three of the more fervent posters on one side of the aisle is all, no ill will towards them. I don’t consider myself, or try to be, as combatant as some on either side, so hence, I don’t merit a top spot.
  7. Oh, that who L.Ron #&$% is. He tries, but, he’s not in league with the big 3 in here.
  8. Dare say, it amused me, I chuckled at the male stereotypes. Didn’t get the “controversy” after watching it. But, anyways, back to business…..
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