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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Wouldn’t have been overly happy sitting there. Sort of is a flub move.
  2. Not wishing to see McD and JA12 performing their deer in a headlight routine:
  3. “Is Josh a mediocre QB right now? And does it matter?”
  4. Some will say this is stretching it, but in essence she said in a matter of fact way that she thinks he’s an a-hole to everybody. Granted, she didn’t expect that to reach Digg’s ear, and nationwide sports social media, but it did and there’s no way she can refute it. She’s damaged goods at OBD.
  5. Her ego was evident from the get go, particularly when interviewing players. Surely they sensed it and to their credit overlooked it. She was quite comfortable skewering Diggs without any apparent prompting.
  6. Glab clearly thinks highly of herself to be so comfortable criticizing Diggs with a broad stroke to a room full of reporters. Maybe Diggs is difficult towards her for some reason and she cannot simply except that. Who knows? Whatever the case, her on air babble and screechy teen voice wouldn’t be missed.
  7. True or not, Pegula has been labeled, this will be protacted and reverberate far. Recent history has shown white wealthy men don't fare well in these situations.
  8. Felt like 2018. Hope it’s only a temporary flashback.
  9. Wish Andy and the tuna was longer.
  10. Speaking of NFL garbage stats: The typical NFL game generates about 35 tons of waste, and that can balloon by up to 50% for the Super Bowl, the director of the NFL Environmental Program told Front Office Sports.
  11. Nothing wrong with B, as long as it’s not the black Goat head soup jersey, but that’s another topic.
  12. Not a stretch to forecast Jets being tougher this year, especially if Rodgers is adequate. Miami too, if Tuanigamanuolepola Donny "Tua" Tagovailoa stays healthy. Nothing to get hyper about though, as a Bills fan.
  13. A sad ending for a guy who had a pretty good career in a business where most who try to make it in fail. “Smash Mouth sold over 10 Million albums worldwide-wide, topped charts with two #1 hit singles, five Top 40 singles, three Hot 100 singles, four Billboard 200 albums, a Grammy nomination not to mention the hundreds of film and television placements and of course those musical features in Shrek.” A lot more about that one good song: https://www.theringer.com/music/2019/5/3/18525721/smash-mouth-all-star-20th-anniversary-memes
  14. $600,000 a yr. Canadian? Poor guy, that’s rent money in Toronto.
  15. Glab, with her prattling, screechy teen like voice, talking more than a couple minutes is a tough listen.
  16. Buffalo suburb, Hamburg, has problems with illegals that are packed in at a couple hotels across the street from each other. Area crime problems on the uptick and police are responding to multiple calls daily in the area. So much for the local Democratic leadership putting the illegal influx on hold.
  17. Naturally, that rule would be waived regarding anti-Trump humor or anyone a foe of their ideology.
  18. And don’t even get me started on Tasker’s kids ice cream parlor…..
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