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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Watching Mr. Irrelevant carving up defenses looking like Joe Montana is a treat to watch. Purdy is looking for real, like the rest of the team. Enjoy watching the 49’ers. Hope the Bills have to face them this year, then I won’t like ‘em.
  2. Never thought something like the RZ & NFL package combo could be to so thoroughly enjoy the NFL. It is near perfection imo.
  3. Great! Now I got that happy crap Journey song in my head.
  4. Bills sport scientist working on travel planning:
  5. Bills brain trust obviously disagrees with Florio. I don’t….not that it matters.
  6. It was a catchable floater landing near the Viking WR who was held and blocked by the defender. Ref obviously thought it was interference. That it was ruled uncatchable was a bit preposterous.
  7. Sort of surreal in that it was a dual no call.
  8. Anyone just see the no interference call in the Chiefs/Vikings?
  9. Clearly, maybe arrogantly(?), Bills deep thinkers viewed traveling to London as no different than any other road game and that J’ville being there well over a week, adjusted, rested and waiting, was insignificant. “We didn’t take care of the little things,” Allen said. “That’s on us captains, making sure that this team is ready to go. You know the opposing team, they were ready to go today, we weren’t.” Hmmmm….
  10. Offense didn’t show up again, that’s two out of five games. At that rate, making the playoffs be an accomplishment.
  11. Another National TV offensive floundering. Get ready for the bashing.
  12. NFL Thursday and London games are often great showcases for the NFL product. 😝
  13. “Goodell answered the "London franchise" question even before it was asked Saturday at the annual fans' Q&A. Potential scheduling problems during the playoffs would be "a tough dynamic," he said. Goodell has previously said London has the capacity for two franchises and has even floated the idea of having a full European division of teams.” Hunh?
  14. I buy the MLB package solely because of Ohtani. Were the Yankees to land him I wouldn’t have to re-up to see him. Though, I think Ohtani prefers the West Coast.
  15. I was just pondering about Judge and Rodon, 15 game uptick seems a lot. Not a big stat reader, but, thanks, I’ll pay more attention to WAR. Now if the Yankees signed Ohtani……🤔
  16. Rays fan must despise their stadium. Lowest attended playoff game in over 100 yrs. Would like to see the Orioles to win it all, but, seems too good of a turn around story. AL East is even tougher. A healthy Judge and Rodon next year add 15 victories? 🤔
  17. Miami looks good Hill and Tua are clicking Bills need their A game
  18. An NFL game for only $20? Sat through many a bad Bills team in the early '80's for cheap. I always had fun.
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