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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. If Brady steps the offense up just a notch, and, as unlikely as that it is, the Bills make the playoffs, it makes a case for Brady being the OC next year. 😲 Realistically, he's looking more like another fall guy for McDermott this season.
  2. This team is playing from behind and struggling to keep games close too often. That’s a trait of a middling level team.
  3. Who watching that ending wasn’t stunned? In NFL annals it was a blunder of the ages.
  4. PSL’s and much higher ticket prices were gonna be a tough sell with a good team. If Pegula thinks this team, as it stands, will convince fans to make the leap, he’s wrong. Maybe they will find some dinosaur bones at the dig, so he can buy time to rectify this team.
  5. He can probably say goodbye to doing commercials next offseason. Except for West Herr…..maybe.
  6. Ok, no one could have saw this coming. Happy?
  7. He and most everyone else didn’t think they’d be blowing wins the way they are.
  8. …..not real happy with “THIS” game???? Must of had his rose colored glasses on for the other losses.
  9. Let’s see 🤔….. 12 just did the Bills in. 13 also did them in Who could blame 14 for wanting out?
  10. What SMU did to receive the death penalty pales to the Penn State beyond appalling scandal. That the University president was fired by trustees showed how widespread the Sandusky coverup was there. Penn State got a slap on the wrist.
  11. Clearly plenty are itching to get out: https://reformcalifornia.org/news/heres-a-list-of-companies-fleeing-san-francisco-and-why https://buildremote.co/companies/companies-leaving-chicago/#:~:text=Boeing,%2C federal regulators and lawmakers.”
  12. Best/worst part of this is the ref looking at it all the way.
  13. Thought Buffalo got its name from the French term “beau flux”. Supposedly, when the French were in the area that’s how they described the Niagara River, it stuck, and when the British arrived they interpreted as being Buffalo. 🤷🏽‍♂️
  14. Josh Allen is the reason McDermott isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
  15. This group made some funny movies. Best In Show is very funny.
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