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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. It’s the (not so?) great thing about the internet, no one has to be who they are. Some choose to run wild with it, turning their life into fantasy. Yeah, a bit of a high, low thing. A good psychiatrist can help with that.
  2. Never was, never will be. It’s jungle law in here. …..and more entertaining than TSW.
  3. The number of illegals during the Reagan years is more than dwarfed compared to now. Same goes with the associated problems, borders and cities epically overrun and overwhelmed in waves. Implying Biden’s doing a “Reaganesque” type job regarding illegals is beyond far fetched.
  4. No mystery as to why these three absurd court rulings went the way they did.
  5. The Left, like their successful banning of the use of Merry Christmas, the terms ‘pregnant women’ or ‘breast feeding’ will be stricken from their lexicon. The proper term they want used is ‘pregnant people’ and ‘chest feeding’. How soon before they demand books no longer be able to use the word woman? Yeah, it has gotten that ridiculous.
  6. Just emulating the Commander in Chief, the one the military didn’t want to tell about this because of his idiocy. The one whose increases in non discretionary budgeting are soaring, his military increases minuscule, which he boasts are more than adequate. The Department of Defense in the Pacific, due to lack of funding from Biden, has significantly hindered their abilities as China’s presence grows exponentially. China is quite comfortable with Joe, and he, intentionally or idiotically, with them. They dismiss Biden with a wave of their hand, knowing they can run roughshod over him with his blessing. Any idiot can see Biden’s “guidance” has weakened U.S. Defense, amongst other things. China is fearlessly proving it.
  7. More than likely, the Biden Bunch gave a green light to China.
  8. Pseudo humanitarian groups will never be targeted for criminal offenses simply because of how and who is funding them.
  9. So says the guy(?) who routinely attempts to divert pretty much every thread off their point, with what….200+ posts a day? …..and constantly piles on his own threads to keep them surfacing when no one responds or cares.
  10. So the 2016 and 2017 violent civil uprisings protesting Trump were not an attempt to fan the flames for a rebellion? Remember the LW guaranteeing Trump will start WWIII? Or has that been pushed back now to his re-election? This civil war you’re fixated on is simply a fear mongering rouge to whip up hatred and more division in this country.
  11. Most of these violent civil uprisings, which were called for, occured 7 yrs ago. did you support them then? What will it be like when these type of lefties lose their minds when Trump wins his 1st caucus? They won't sit idly by, that's for sure.
  12. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/11/11/protests-against-donald-trumps-win-turn-violent https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/protesters-assault-trump-supporters-eggs-bottles-punches-after-rally-n585096 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/portland-oregon-anti-trump-protest-1-shot-after-confrontation-n682896 https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-trump-protests-20160503 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/mar/12/donald-trump-rally-called-off-in-chicago-amid-protests-violence-and-chaos https://abc7ny.com/trump-tower-protest-columbus-circle-nyc-protesters-arrested-congress-joint-session/9429022/ “Peaceful” Left civil disobedience and violence, but it ain’t a war on society. More of the same coming soon. Hip hip hooray!!!
  13. Respect, reverence and rationale for death threats and not villainous. The sanctity of life is some silly notion. Those rallying with you on this, and many topics, agree with your credo. Nice bunch of people you have here.
  14. Lowered property values going below what they were mortgaged creates foreclosures and bankruptcy, signifying a recession. Last recession homes values dropped significantly, not slightly, that sets the economy back, not forwards.
  15. No response to you and been posting since you asked. Now do you believe? Just added a smiley face, not only ok with it, thinks it’s funny.
  16. Dem big city mayors cutting Police budgets is a great way to combat crime.
  17. Same ones who are no doubt already planning their societal obstruction, and worse, when Trump wins his 1st caucus.
  18. Yeah, the OP, like so many of his ilk in here, fling their hyperbole as facts.
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