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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Hunh?…..and here I thought a two term President couldn’t seek the office of President for a third term.
  2. …..and that’s good enough for them to keep their multitudes of conspiracy theory falsehoods going as fact.
  3. The Left will ignore this and keep running with their “factual” Epstein/Trump narrative no matter what.
  4. Baby step approach that Dems would certainly rally around. …..and they’ll not want to stop at that level.
  5. What’s this? https://ourcityourvote.org/ “The Our City, Our Vote coalition supports legislation that expands democracy in New York City so green card holders and those authorized to work in the United States can vote in elections for city-level offices as long as they have been a resident of New York City for at least 30 days and are otherwise qualified to register and vote under New York State election law.” And this? https://www.boundless.com/immigration-resources/green-card-benefits/#:~:text=While green card holders can,have the right to vote. “While green card holders can live and work in the United States, and enjoy most of the same benefits as a U.S. citizen, permanent residents are not U.S. citizens and because of this do not have the full rights of a citizen. Limitations include: Green card holders do not have the right to vote.”
  6. .....most of them just register as democrats.
  7. Probably doesn’t need this then, but just in case they do: “Members of the Communist Party USA are dedicated to helping advance the day-to-day struggles of the working class and all people on the road to a socialist USA.” By filling out this form, you confirm that you are 18 years or older and a resident of the U.S. and that you understand this is an application for membership in the Communist Party. By joining the CPUSA, you agree to support its Constitution and work to implement the Program of the CPUSA. You will also be added to the email lists of the Communist Party and the People's World news site. You can unsubscribe at any time. https://www.cpusa.org/join-us/
  8. It’s the (not so?) great thing about the internet, no one has to be who they are. Some choose to run wild with it, turning their life into fantasy. Yeah, a bit of a high, low thing. A good psychiatrist can help with that.
  9. Never was, never will be. It’s jungle law in here. …..and more entertaining than TSW.
  10. The number of illegals during the Reagan years is more than dwarfed compared to now. Same goes with the associated problems, borders and cities epically overrun and overwhelmed in waves. Implying Biden’s doing a “Reaganesque” type job regarding illegals is beyond far fetched.
  11. No mystery as to why these three absurd court rulings went the way they did.
  12. The Left, like their successful banning of the use of Merry Christmas, the terms ‘pregnant women’ or ‘breast feeding’ will be stricken from their lexicon. The proper term they want used is ‘pregnant people’ and ‘chest feeding’. How soon before they demand books no longer be able to use the word woman? Yeah, it has gotten that ridiculous.
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