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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. That was going to happen in 2016, no wait 2020, no wait 2024.
  2. Urging and actually cutting the flow of public benefits don’t go hand in hand. Title 42 has ended to increase benefits for illegals, Medicaid is expanding, the SNAP is growing, all public benefits. Job loss, medical expenses, and escalating mortgage payments are the most common reasons people file for bankruptcy.
  3. You forgot higher interest rates due to skyrocketing inflation since 2022, now the highest since 1983. https://www.cnbc.com/select/interest-rates-rising-saving-more-appealing-debt-more-harmful/ “The Fed has repeatedly raised rates this year in an effort to corral rampant inflation that has reached 40-year highs.” “Higher interest rates may help curb soaring prices, but it also increases the cost of borrowing which can make everyday financial products more expensive, like mortgages, personal loans and credit cards.” Though, no doubt, Joe deserves a free pass on this as well.👌
  4. The one time Joe told the truth:
  5. “As a young person, to already have the courage to face the pitiless glare, to overcome the fear of death, and to regain respect for death – this is the task of this young generation.” ― Joseph Goebbels
  6. Another indicator of Joes "soaring" economy:
  7. Even if Joe was told pronto Lloyd Austin was sick, he wouldn’t know who he is:
  8. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/new-york-gov-cuomo-accused-undercounting-nursing-home-deaths-wake-n1256045 https://nypost.com/2021/01/27/andrew-cuomo-roasted-for-blaming-covid-19-deaths-on-incompetent-government/ https://www.businessinsider.com/cuomo-lied-nursing-home-covid-death-new-york-attorney-general-2021-1 Joe praises Andy after it was widely known Cuomo lied about Covid death #.
  9. Hey Squiggy, it’s been fun, but, the Lakers game is close and the 4 qtr. is starting, so I’m done playing tag. Later.
  10. Speculating “what if” on contrived civil wars, I’ll leave that to the experts. But, I will add I am aware of one about 160 yrs. ago that achieved its rightful objective, so there’s that.
  11. The clip from ‘Network’ has merit, I would not dispute that. Debating suppositions as to how things could change that premise is engaging in abstracts.
  12. The scene is more applicable than imaginable and scaringly so. It does not lend to any one political or social ideology, more like it encompasses them all.
  13. Then why did you respond? And name calling, gee, that kind of hurts. Don’t recall ever slandering you, but hey, if it helps you….
  14. Cameras everywhere and nothing. Kind of like not finding who dropped their coke in the WH.
  15. Some??? Jumping on the anti-Clinton band wagon is now in vogue with the left. Yeah, Clinton’s suddenly not noteworthy. MSM only cares about one name and were it not cited, they’d give the Epstein story lip service.
  16. “The construction industry alone is facing a deficit of more than 500,000 workers in the U.S. That’s in part because we’re losing thousands of boomers from the skilled trades to retirement, and there aren’t enough people from the younger generations interested in taking over those jobs.“
  17. The Left defended and dismissed accusations of Clinton being a sexual predator for decades. They mocked, smeared, belittled and discredited his victims who spoke out. Epstein vouches Clinton is beyond deviant and the Left reaction is to rant that Trump is worse.
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