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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Contrary to other claims Trump did remove troops from Iraq: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/iraq-troops-1200-withdrawal-trump-administration/ https://www.nationalreview.com/news/trump-administration-to-cut-u-s-troop-presence-in-iraq-by-one-third-report
  2. https://news.yahoo.com/hunter-biden-attorney-makes-statement-155340762.html “Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell made a statement on his behalf. Lowell claimed that Biden was being used as a surrogate to attack his father, President Joe Biden.” That’s never been done before.
  3. Nobody open the door more for China to make the world a better place than Bill.
  4. Not disputing your point, would just like to add good ole’’ Bill and Hillary were known to take a buck or two from Chinese “donors”.
  5. Were it the RW disrupting traffic and airport travel, affecting innumerable thousands, MSM and Dems be calling for a halt to it and be deeming it bordering on/beginning a civil war.
  6. There are different kinds of crack? Well, asking an expert is one way of finding out.
  7. Keeping “I don’t know what I’m signing” Joe out of the loop is nothing new for this administration. The SOD whereabouts should be a constant, and be known beyond his staff. It is a big ball drop. Hoping he’s done with this ordeal. Once diagnosed with this disease, thoughts of it lingers forever.
  8. I just read that the vehicle was located by Miami police. https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/aunt-of-bill-fan-details-how-nephew-was-shot-killed-near-hard-rock-stadium-after-dolphins-game/3201094/ “The shooter fled the scene and remains on the run, but Miami Gardens Police confirmed Tuesday that the suspect's vehicle was located in West Palm Beach.”
  9. The Emperor telling others to look in the mirror. Now that is funny.
  10. To paraphrase: “Though doth protest too much”
  11. The other went by Claudius. Nice try though Tibs.
  12. That 162 Congressional Dems voted for allowing illegals the right to vote is a harbinger. They’re going to keep pushing for it no matter what rulings are obstructing their mission. All the see, they don’t vote coming from the left is pretty much a case of facetiousness.
  13. I cited an article about the ignoring of the Sudanese slaughter. You completely dismissed it, confirming the point of the article.
  14. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/tasha-kheiriddin-africans-are-being-slaughtered-but-with-no-jews-to-blame-the-left-shrugs
  15. Tiberius, swell guy, oppressive mass murderer, child molester. Grandpa to Caligula, another, well, doesn’t need repeating. …..oops, forgot, enslavers of countless.
  16. Yeah, so egg man has different interpretations, so?
  17. The left was forecasting a Trump Presidency could/would start WWlll his 1st time round. https://www.thedailybeast.com/hillary-clinton-is-right-donald-trump-threatens-world-war-iii https://www.cnn.com/2017/10/09/politics/corker-world-war-iii-donald-trump-white-house/index.html https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/354994-this-is-how-trump-could-start-world-war-iii/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2018/09/10/possibility-donald-trump-starting-world-war-iii/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/oct/09/trump-risks-putting-us-on-path-to-world-war-three-says-bob-corker https://consortiumnews.com/2017/04/10/trump-plunges-toward-world-war-iii/ …..like they did in 2020 and now in 2024. They use to sell and deliver eggs when I was a kid. …..not a war monger like Tiberius was.
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