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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Who is that, 5 seconds in, on the White House rooftop ? The left ignores this threat to govt. and just moves on.... Hypocrites.
  2. Try finding this riotous attempt to storm the White House story on MSM websites. Please post if you do. Should be a lead story you’d think, especially since they had to relocate WH staffing.
  3. Economic ruination if necessary, real estate market be damned…..anything to eat even an ounce of Trump flesh. …..Trump rabidity in full gear.
  4. Nazis in Hollywood? Maybe Joe McCarthy was on to something…..
  5. Contrary to other claims Trump did remove troops from Iraq: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/iraq-troops-1200-withdrawal-trump-administration/ https://www.nationalreview.com/news/trump-administration-to-cut-u-s-troop-presence-in-iraq-by-one-third-report
  6. https://news.yahoo.com/hunter-biden-attorney-makes-statement-155340762.html “Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell made a statement on his behalf. Lowell claimed that Biden was being used as a surrogate to attack his father, President Joe Biden.” That’s never been done before.
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