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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Interesting rank of Alcohol sold by state per person: Gallons Per Capita RankStateGallons of Ethanol Per Capita* 1New Hampshire4.83 2Delaware4.01 3Washington D.C.3.79 4Nevada3.43 5Montana3.32 6North Dakota3.26 7Vermont3.22 8Wisconsin3.11 9Maine2.99 10Colorado2.97 11Wyoming2.94 12Minnesota2.85 13Alaska2.83 14Florida2.74 15Hawaii2.71 16Oregon2.71 17Rhode Island2.71 18Missouri2.68 19California2.63 20New Jersey2.63 21Massachusetts2.62 22Louisiana2.59 23Michigan2.53 24Connecticut2.50 25Illinois2.42 26Texas2.41 27Mississippi2.39 28Indiana2.34 29Iowa2.34 30South Dakota2.34 31Pennsylvania2.32 32North Carolina2.31 33New Mexico2.30 34Tennessee2.30 35Virginia2.27 36Washington2.26 37Arizona2.24 38New York2.22 39Nebraska2.17 40Maryland2.15 41Kansas2.12 42Kentucky2.12 43Ohio2.12 44South Carolina2.12 45Idaho2.10 46Alabama2.08 47Arkansas1.92 48Georgia1.91 49Oklahoma1.85 50West Virginia1.82 51Utah1.36 *This data uses an estimate of average ethanol content of sold or shipped spirits into gallons of ethanol (pure alcohol) before calculating per capita consumption estimates. For this data, the alcohol by volume value is 0.129 for wine, 0.045 for beer, and 0.411 for spirits. *Photo sourced from romanovad – stock.adobe.com Published: January 30, 2023
  2. It’s a blatant attempt to dismiss the racist comment from one of his ilk rather than acknowledge it, and affirm that it is southerners (red state rednecks) that are the racists that should be scrutinized. Typical.
  3. https://www.fcnl.org/updates/2023-11/top-10-poorest-states-us#:~:text=According to the U.S. Census,%2C Texas%2C and New York. "According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the national poverty rate was 12.4% in 2022, up from 11.2% in 2021. These states have the highest percentages of poverty in the country: Mississippi, Louisiana, West Virginia, New Mexico, Arkansas, Kentucky, Alabama, Oklahoma, Texas, and New York." Op will like this for their "fun with facts" to use the poorest to mock the Right. ....well not the part about more are sinking further into poverty in the U.S. under Joes guidance.
  4. Out of the top 20 unhealthy states, 16 of them rank among the top 25 states with the highest percentage of African American population. So yeah, your point is merited. The top 20 unhealthy states ranked by African American population %: Mississippi -#1 Delaware #7 Ohio #17 Indiana #24 Louisiana #2 North Carolina #8 Missouri #19 Kansas #26 Georgia #4 Tennessee - #11 Kentucky #21 West Virginia #38 Alabama- #5 Arkansas #13 Oklahoma #22 New Mexico #42 South Carolina #6 Michigan #15 Nevada #23 Maine #45 Found many stats regarding health issue woes relating to race in the U.S. that point out discrepancy in care. But the op threads intent was simply to belittle.
  5. Trump puts snipers on the White House, Left be wailing endlessly, calling it an impeachable offense. It be run nonstop on msm media, likewise in here too. Cries of it being an example of Trump facism, using the military to intimidate and control the masses. But with "atta boy Joe" doing so, they just scurry on.
  6. Who is that, 5 seconds in, on the White House rooftop ? The left ignores this threat to govt. and just moves on.... Hypocrites.
  7. Try finding this riotous attempt to storm the White House story on MSM websites. Please post if you do. Should be a lead story you’d think, especially since they had to relocate WH staffing.
  8. Economic ruination if necessary, real estate market be damned…..anything to eat even an ounce of Trump flesh. …..Trump rabidity in full gear.
  9. Nazis in Hollywood? Maybe Joe McCarthy was on to something…..
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