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US Egg

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  1. More hypocrisy from Mr. Heinz Kerry https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230607-10-billion-global-population-unsustainable-us-climate-envoy-kerry-1 "I think you can have a better lifestyle, and you can eat better food “….. ….like this “better food” his wife’s company floods the world with? https://www.eatthis.com/kraft-heinz-worlds-worst-food-company/ “A recent analysis from the global health group World Action on Salt, Sugar & Health (WASSH) looked at five global food producers and found that Kraft Heinz had the highest proportion of "unhealthy" food and drink items” “WASSH found that 82% of the Kraft Heinz products it analyzed would be classified as "unhealthy" under government-endorsed standards.” The ever vigil Democrat Kerry is adding to the obesity issue worldwide, not just the Republicans the op mocked.
  2. Maybe Mr. Ketchup is thinking of how to help the op’s target group in his thread.
  3. Joe voted for a wall….and so did Obama…..and Hillary. https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/10/politics/kfile-biden-drugs-fence-2006/index.html “Speaking to a South Carolina rotary club in November 2006, Biden touted his support for the Secure Fence Act – a bill that authorized 700 miles of double-layered fence on the border through more than a billion dollars in appropriations. The bill was also supported by then-Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.”
  4. https://www.forbes.com/sites/katiasavchuk/2014/07/09/are-americas-richest-families-republicans-or-democrats/?sh=50bbfe023e83
  5. Over 41,000 posts and you never cited a poll? And to show how nice I am, here’s a chance to segue back into your fat people suck mantra
  6. The devil is in the details: https://www.heritage.org/budget-and-spending/report/president-bidens-ukraine-supplemental-request-border-trap The Biden Administration has been paying NGOs, such as Catholic Charities, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, Church World Services, and others, billions of dollars in taxpayer grants to receive illegal aliens from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and transport, house, and provide them with myriad other services. President Joe Biden is now back for more money for these NGO’s.….and that’s a fraction of what Dems really want. Biden’s border budget is a ruse, it’s more about aiding and bringing in more illegals and divert money away from law enforcement.
  7. So maybe Coach “hold the” Mayo would rather talk about racism than his crappy football team. …..and If he dumps his 3 QB’s it sure ain’t because they’re white.
  8. Joe said what? Got to check this out, and the video included: https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/10/politics/kfile-biden-drugs-fence-2006/index.html “Folks, I voted for a fence, I voted, unlike most Democrats – and some of you won’t like it – I voted for 700 miles of fence,” Biden told the group. Biden continued. “And let me tell you something folks, people are driving across that border with tons, tons, hear me, tons of everything from byproducts for methamphetamine to cocaine to heroin and it’s all coming up through corrupt Mexico.”
  9. The drug is injected for treatment. Most insurance companies, Medicaid and Medicare don’t cover it for obesity.
  10. Joe’s fall back plan: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8130867/#:~:text=A plea of “not guilty,by reason of insanity defenses. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES: “NOT GUILTY BY REASON OF DEMENTIA” AND THE AUTOMATISM DEFENSE Affirmative defenses acknowledge that a defendant has factually committed a crime (actus reas) but argue that an individual is not culpable based on a lack of or reduced mens rea. Two affirmative defenses are particularly relevant for individuals with dementia: creating a plea for “not guilty” by reason of dementia and the automatism defense. A plea of “not guilty” by reason of cognitive impairment or dementia could excuse criminal culpability, mirroring “not guilty” by reason of insanity defenses. A plea of “not guilty” by reason of cognitive impairment or dementia could excuse criminal culpability, mirroring “not guilty” by reason of insanity defenses. The automatism defense could serve as an alternative affirmative defense for individuals with dementia. As described above, the automatism defense argues that an individual’s illness or syndrome resulted in compulsive behavior (i.e., sleep walking). This defense would apply particularly well to people FTLD who may lack impulse control needed to prevent socially inappropriate actions, even if they know the action was “wrong.”
  11. What about a Presidents son? …..well, at least while his Dad’s in the WH.
  12. What game was it and what State do you live in? Need it for thread research purposes.
  13. Character portrayal of how tacklers try to stop Josh’s jukes.
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