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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Oh, that who L.Ron #&$% is. He tries, but, he’s not in league with the big 3 in here.
  2. Dare say, it amused me, I chuckled at the male stereotypes. Didn’t get the “controversy” after watching it. But, anyways, back to business…..
  3. The stock market went up significantly during Trumps Presidency, the Left dismissed it as a nothing more than coattailing off Obama, which it did very well under. The DJI grew 44.6% under Trump and 21% under Biden. The Nasdaq composite index is up 13.8% under Biden and was up 62% for Trump. https://www.axios.com/2024/01/01/biden-trump-stock-market-performance Now who is coattiling?
  4. One reason why Bi-Partisan bills pass is to:
  5. https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/warmington-transgender-female-swimmer-50-changes-with-young-girls-at-barrie-event https://www.westernstandard.news/news/50-year-old-biological-male-competes-against-13-year-old-girls-in-markham-swim-meet/49707
  6. This f#cking hypocrite is getting wealthier by the day poisoning people through the food system. That is a fact.
  7. 1944-45 Nazis, in an endgame maneuver, ordered the chambers dismantled to hide their atrocities from world. Borrowing from that page in history….. 2024 Democrats, in the zero hour, delete evidence from their investigation to hide from the American people.
  8. Joe has a “sixth sense” moment:
  9. Any condemnation of the act from their brethren likely isnt forthcoming, .....pretty much like here, the Left and msm are pretty much mum on the countless Christian symbols that are descrated in the U.S.
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