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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Walking, what seemed forever, from my Uncle's house on B St. in the city to War Memorial Stadium in the late '60's and early '70's, it wasn't safe to park near there. There were no nets when extra points and FG's were kicked and it was a free for all to get the football. Watched Joe Namath, and O.J. who looked like a bust then.
  2. If you're thinking of going to Nashville for a vacation or should they hold the draft there, be aware, it is big City U.S.A. in every way. Driving around there is a nightmare.
  3. Trump is doing something no other U.S. President has done since the Korean war ended. Ending a 60 year hostility between North and South Korea. North Korea is apparently laying down its arms to do so. Because of Trump, China has let N.K. know they won't jeopardize their standing with the U.S. by pulling back support of the long standing rogue family running N.K. Trump didn't do this for the attention or any prizes, but it certainly is Nobel worthy.
  4. If it were best Bills RB not "favorite", he'd be no worst than 3rd. With O.J. and Thurman battling it out for 1st or 2nd. .....at least in my opinion.
  5. O.J., when he played, put Buffalo in the National spotlight like no other player in team history. ....and after he played too.
  6. An orange pylon could have been put in place of Marv Levy on the sideline as the head coach of that Bills era and the results would have been the same.
  7. This is a stupid thread. Tom Brady is the best QB ever.
  8. Being out coached was the main reason the Bills lost that 1st Super Bowl.
  9. C'mon, how often are they wrong on long range or short term forecasts ? Too often.
  10. Q: How the hell is the Mueller investigation, it 's gaggle of getting rich off taxpayers attorneys who've turned up nothing in 1& 1/2 years still in existence ? A: Crooked petty political spite driven Trump haters in the Senate and Congress and their wealthy LW supporters.
  11. The hangup in negotiations is Dez wants a bigger shinier key to the City than the one T.O. got.
  12. The Mueller investigation is solely a phony rouse Democrats are using to hopefully help them in November. A year and a half and nothing but maybe Trump did Stormy. If he was a Dem, the LW say that's his personal business, like they said about Billy boy cheating on Hillary.
  13. .....and almost all media. Eric Schneiderman has fallen off the face of the earth in the LW media. Were he Republican, he'd be front page, lead story, until the midterms. Which is what the Mueller "investigation" is all about.
  14. Amazing how Russian multi-millions for Clintons was just business as usual, and the supposed hundreds of thousands for Cohen is treasonous.
  15. Hope you don't mind I condensed it, you said it well and again so few are cognizant of how this all did Buffalo in. Thank you.
  16. Jobs evaporated for blue collar type workers a lot quicker in the 60's and 70's in this area more than many other NE rust belt cities because of this. Not just in Buffalo, but Erie and Niagara counties and WNY. So few are aware of this fact.
  17. I couldn't get through watching that, but if that took more than a day to make....
  18. "Gas prices are rising" (the sky is falling) They were $1.00 a gal. higher 5 yrs. ago. (didn't matter then) Once was a time when these Chicken Little types weren't so obviously biased.
  19. A co-worker and I were the first to arrive at our boss's beach house for a party and when we got there he was dead. We pretended like he was still alive and partied all weekend and no one ever noticed he was dead.
  20. \ ....."don't hold it against us that we knew Schneiderman was scum and still wholeheartedly endorsed right up to yesterday".
  21. Accuracy vs. precision....like this ?
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