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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. "Pats* to hire taekwando instructor" What if you don't like Chinese food ?
  2. What Do I Remember about Thurman Thomas ? .....that I should go to Batavia Downs to gamble and have Dr. Todd Shatkin look at my teeth.
  3. Brian Daboll's coaching resume': William & Mary (1997) Restrictive earnings coach Michigan State (1998–1999) Graduate assistant New England Patriots (2000–2001) Defensive coaching assistant New England Patriots (2002–2006) Wide receivers coach New York Jets (2007–2008) Quarterbacks coach Cleveland Browns (2009–2010) Offensive coordinator Miami Dolphins (2011) Offensive coordinator Kansas City Chiefs (2012) Offensive coordinator New England Patriots (2013) Offensive assistant New England Patriots (2014–2016) Tight ends coach Alabama (2017) Offensive coordinator & quarterbacks coach Buffalo Bills (2018–present) Offensive coordinator Twelve jobs in 20 years.....hmmm ?
  4. That is so true, local news stations shows are mostly superfluous.
  5. It is sad, but the BN is getting their comeuppance partly due to the hard leans of so many of their reporters. With constant Trump bashing by Zremski, Turner & Zyglis, and Sullivan, Gleason & Harrington tearing down the Pegulas, many cancelled their subscription.
  6. Never a smart move with a Warren Buffet owned company .....when newspapers stop selling and revenues drop be my guess.
  7. Too little too late to save these sinking ships. It ain't 'cuz of ink costs. Enjoy 'em while they're here.
  8. .....seems too often like speculative commentaries to me, which are available everywhere for free.
  9. https://www.bizjournals.com/buffalo/news/2018/05/14/section-cuts-staff-reductions-coming-to-the.html No doubt it's a sign of the times, the rapidly decline of a once great institution that was deemed as the lifeblood of keeping people informed, the local newspaper. But, the BN's almighty mindset, constant Trump trashing, Pegula bashing, helped expedite the BN''s demise among locals and losing money for the 1st time in 40 yrs. Looks like Buffalo Business First, since I posted this, has locked out the article itself leaving up only the headline, but it has also been reported on WBEN radio too.
  10. No, it was him citing the Eagles college influenced offense helped beat the Vikings and I countered with we'll see how Daboll's attempt at using his college experience as the Bills OC compares against the Vikings in their 3rd game this year. My implication is it will be a much different result, solely because of Eagles superior talent.
  11. No, but after I thought I had made it up, I wondered maybe that be a real website.
  12. His point was college play calling is becoming more present in the NFL offensive schemes and a factor why the Eagles beat the Vikings. Frank Reich was the Eagles OC last year, and yeah he was a factor why they won it all. Daboll is hardly a pioneer in offensive thinking. My point is great schemes without talent don't win football games. The Eagles 2017 talent is far superior to this years Bills, by far.
  13. Also coming up this week to talk Bills football on WGR: Joe Blow from "IHaveaFootballWebsite.com" , Josh Kidding of "AskMeAnythingNFL.com" and Tony Bagadonuts of "PigskinBreakfast.com".
  14. The 2018 Bills with any of their QB's are not on par with the 2017 Eagles with Foles under center....obviously. In the late afternoon of Sept. 23rd I'll gladly discuss this further if you wish
  15. "Daboll to incorporate some college concepts into his playbook, those concepts are seeping into NFL playbooks". Hope he succeeds, he's certainly not the 1st. OC out of college to do so. At Alabama he didn't face the Vikings "D".
  16. More and more "modern" families start out that way, but the kids catch up quickly. If you think the American society is full of obnoxious, self absorbed, the world owes me types now.....wait, it's gonna get worse in skyrocket fashion.
  17. Amazon is a steamroller that's both good and bad.
  18. Mrs. Pegula doesn't want women associated with her team be viewed as sexual objects.
  19. Fact is they're not close to being the best wings in Buffalo.
  20. Speaking of pedophiles: Mr. Clinton flew on the Boeing 727 “Lolita Express” 26 times, more than doubling the previously reported 11 trips. “Bill Clinton associates with Jeffrey Epstein, who everyone in New York, certainly within his inner circles, knew was a pedophile." "Why would a former president associate with a man like that ?” https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/may/14/bill-clinton-ditched-secret-service-on-multiple-lo/
  21. Trump's exposed and righted fallacies of the previous administration, who are grasping at anything to undermine him. .....even if it means undermining the United States.
  22. 2018 Season Record Predictions: Buffalo Bills fans will set a record for most broken folding tables by using the human body in one day. Someone should call Guinness World Records.
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